How To Live In The Moment: Four Little Tips To Help You Make Every Moment Count!

Four Little Tips To Help You Make Every Moment Count!

In our day to day lives we often miss the beauty all around us as we refuse to relax into the moments.  We try to predict the future, constantly worry, dwell on the past and rush through the present.  Actions that do not serve us, do not serve others or benefit our relationships.  You can call this way of being typical, American, “the norm” or unavoidable, but the only thing this way of being is is unhealthy.

Moments are so tremendous, so abundant, so rich and rushing through them simply takes away from the tapestry of our lives. Here are four tips to help you comfortably make each and every moment count:

  1. There is a secret to living in the moment, in the now, and it is called focus.  Focus is the most important step to living each and every moment and with focus comes the ability to set an intention, experience joy, spread positivity and live life truly being in the now. Focus is being completely present in the moment and requires that you do not think about the past, what others are doing or what might happen, but remain steady in your very moment of being.  To focus, you need to have the strength to turn off the TV, shut down the computer and take a few beats to get in touch with yourself and to be mindful of how this present moment feels, is, what it teaches, its flavor, sound and energy. This is called relishing. Relishing creates happiness, peace, delight, reduces stress and actually boosts your immune system, lessens depression and increases self-esteem. When you focus and relish, you are “in” the moment!
  2. Notice the details. After you have practiced focusing and relishing and begin to settle into your moments, you can start to notice what is really around you! The wonderful details, fine little  “oohs and ahhhs” that surround you, that are magically made by a feat of nature, that are most always looked over.  The petals of a budding flower, the peeling bark of an Elm, a cloud that gently dances in the sky or the glisten in a strangers eyes.
  3. Be the moment! To be in the moment, you need to open yourself up to be the moment and that requires a smile and a lovely attitude. Embrace an attitude of love, give out kindness, practice gratitude, help others freely and in doing so, each and every moment that creates the tapestry of your life becomes woven with majestic golden threads. Golden threads that enliven and add rationale to each breath.  This is purpose and reason. What makes each moment worthwhile!
  4. Focus, again! If your focus to be in the now is lost, re-focus! What causes a loss of focus is worry. You have to commit to a life free of worry to live in the now and to be a healthy, present, delighted being.  It has been said time and time again, worry gets you nowhere and does nothing for you and this is true.  Worry is the sinister destroyer of living each and every moment of your life.  Worry kills the ability to savor and defeats delight.  Worry is toxic to your health and worry unravels your beautiful tapestry of life. Hold on to your focus and continue to weave a soothing, calm, aware, melodic and comforting tapestry of moments in which the fibers are all of the now!

Your life is precious and each and every moment is a gift to you. I hope you live them all and feel the amazing sensations a life lived in the now gives to you!


  1. Psychology Today as cited at:


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