Fall Outdoor Exercise Ideas

Fall Outdoor Exercise Ideas

The weather is turning a bit colder, the leaves are falling and there are lots of ways you can get your exercise outside before it gets too ugly. Multiple studies have shown the benefits of being outdoors including boosting energy, immunity, enhancing creativity and even improving memory and blood pressure. These fall activities are so fun you’ll hardly know you’re getting your workout in too!



  • A lot of trails won’t be covered with snow just yet so you can still sneak in a few fall hikes in the next couple weeks. Make sure to layer and bring plenty of healthy snacks but the views will be just as beautiful with the reds, yellows and oranges of this changing season.

Join a league

  • There are a lot of fall sports leagues you can join including soccer and softball. Want to take it back to your childhood days? Underdog sports even has a dodgeball league! Going back to a sport you loved as a kid is a great way to meet people and get your workout in while having fun.

Clean up the yard

  • Need an excuse to get out and do some yardwork? Raking leaves can burn between 350-450 calories per hour! You will feel productive and get in a workout.

Get Lost

  • Make your way to a corn maze to get some steps in. Walking around a corn maze for an hour can burn around 200 calories. Warm up after with some hot cider and wander the pumpkin patch to get some extra movement in.


What else do you do to get moving in the fall? Let us know at [email protected]

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