All about eye health

All about eye health

Eye health is a critical part of our health that is often overlooked. Eyes change as we grow older, and it’s important to maintain healthy habits early on to prepare us for changes in eyesight and to prevent problems.


Eye fatigue and eye strain

Sore or tired eyes, blurry or double vision, dry or watery eyes, and headaches are all signs of eye fatigue. Eye strain can be caused by prolonged reading, writing, driving, screen viewing, or reading at night or in dark conditions.


Tips for healthy eyes

  1. Rest your eyes. Make sure to take breaks from staring at your computer screen for long periods. Use proper lighting and minimize glare. Use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  2. Wear sunglasses. The sun’s harmful rays can contribute to cataracts and macular degeneration. Look for sunglasses that block UVA and UVB radiation.
  3. Eat healthy foods. Eating a healthy diet can also help to keep the eyes healthy. Some foods that are good for eye health are carrots, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, and citrus fruits.
  4. Avoid smoking. Smoking increases the risk of age-related eye diseases that lead to blindness, like cataracts and macular degeneration. Smoking causes dry eye and damages the tissues of the eye.
  5. Get regular eye exams. Getting your eyes checked every 1-2 years as directed by your ophthalmologist is critical to your eye health. At these appointments, they do routine tests for eye conditions and check your eyesight to see if you need glasses or a change in prescription. If a problem comes up, catching it early is always best for treatment.


Common causes of vision loss


Cataracts are clouding of the eye lens. This condition is most common in adults over 40. It develops slowly throughout aging. The symptoms include blurry and cloudy vision. Cataracts can be removed with a minor surgery where the damaged lens is replaced.


Glaucoma is often linked to increased pressure in the eye, which then causes damage to the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss. Risk factors include age, family history, and those with high blood pressure and heart disease. There’s no cure, but vision loss may be preventable if caught early. 

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration causes central vision loss, being the main cause of blindness in aging adults. The macula is an area in the center of the retina in the back of the eye. There are two types, wet and dry. In dry macular degeneration, the center of the retina deteriorates. In wet macular degeneration, abnormal blood vessels leak fluid or blood into the macula. There are treatments, but no cure.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes, causing damage to the blood vessels in the retina. Complications of diabetes are caused by high blood sugar levels over time. Early stages of diabetic retinopathy may be mild with no symptoms, but if left untreated, may lead to blindness.


Eye support supplements


Bilberries contain anthocyanosides which have powerful antioxidants that support vision (1). Persona’s Bilberry supplement contains carrot powder, citrus bioflavonoids, and vitamin A. Bilberry is full of flavonoids that may fight oxidative stress while increasing circulation and supporting blood vessels in the retina (1). Research suggests supplementation may decrease eye fatigue and night blindness (1).

Lutein with Bilberry

Persona’s Lutein supplement also contains bilberry, which is beneficial for eye health (2). Lutein contains carotenoids, pigments found in fruits and vegetables that give their vibrant colors. Carrot powder also contains beta carotene, which can help with retina health. Lutein is naturally present in the back part of the eye that filters blue light and helps maintain cell vitality (2).

Blood Sugar Balance

This supplement contains two powerful ingredients shown to help improve glucose metabolism. First, benfotiamine, an underappreciated form of vitamin B1 shown to lessen damage from high glucose levels, such as diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy (3). Benfotiamine has been used as a diabetes medication in Europe to treat elevated blood sugar and diabetic complications (4). Second, alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that may help to reduce eye diseases like glaucoma and aid in blood sugar control (5).


Supportive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of heart disease, and help the body maintain a balanced inflammatory response (6). Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to retina health, visual development, and helping to prevent dry eyes (7). Research has linked omega-3s to a decreased risk of macular degeneration (7).


If you want to find the right supplements to support your eye health, we’ve got you covered. Take our free assessment to get supplement recommendations personalized for you and delivered to your door each month in convenient daily vitamin packs.


  1. Ghosh D, Konishi T. Anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich extracts: role in diabetes and eye function. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16(2):200-8.
  2. Koushan K, Rusovici R, Li W, Ferguson LR, Chalam KV. The role of lutein in eye-related disease. Nutrients. 2013;5(5):1823-39.
  3. Fraser DA, Hessvik NP, Nikolić N, et al. Benfotiamine increases glucose oxidation and downregulates NADPH oxidase 4 expression in cultured human myotubes exposed to both normal and high glucose concentrations. Genes Nutr. 2012;7(3):459-69.
  4. Haupt E, Ledermann H, Köpcke W. Benfotiamine in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy–a three-week randomized, controlled pilot study (BEDIP study). Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2005;43(2):71-7.
  5. Streeper RS, Henriksen EJ, Jacob S, Hokama JY, Fogt DL, Tritschler HJ. Differential effects of lipoic acid stereoisomers on glucose metabolism in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol. 1997;273(1 Pt 1):E185-91.
  6. Dyall SC. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and the brain: a review of the independent and shared effects of EPA, DPA, and DHA. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015;7:52.
  7. Anderson GJ, Connor WE, Corliss JD. Docosahexaenoic acid is the preferred dietary n-3 fatty acid for the development of the brain and retina. Pediatr Res. 1990;27(1):89-97.

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