Natural Migraine Support

If you are one of the 28 million migraine sufferers in the United States, you know that the attacks can cause significant pain for hours to days and be so severe that all you can think about is finding a dark, quiet place to lie [ ... ]

Support Memory With the MIND Diet

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive disease that destroys brains cells. Currently the cause of it is unknown, however researchers are beginning to understand the role of specific nutrients in a persons’ diet and how protective [ ... ]

B Vitamins for Brain Health

Reduced to the most basic understanding, cognition is our ability to think. But about what and are we always conscious of what we think? There are a variety of factors involved in cognitive functioning such as: memory, attention, [ ... ]

Coping with Holiday Stress

The holidays are a busy exciting time – shopping, decorating, cooking, family and social activities etc.  However, the holidays aren’t always a happy time.  Sometimes we can be stretched too thin and left exhausted, or [ ... ]

Probiotic Power

A Healthy Gut May Lead to a Healthy Mind Your intestines house about ¾ of your total immune system.  That means if we want our bodies to be healthy, we need to keep the friendly bacteria in our guts happy by eating lots of fiber [ ... ]

Fibromyalgia and Food Choices

Broken down into the simplest understanding, fibromyalgia is chronic widespread muscle pain, which often includes insomnia, fatigue, headaches and depression. Although joint pain may accompany fibromyalgia, chronic inflammation [ ... ]

Prevent a Stroke the SMART way

The cold reality is that of all the risks related to a stroke, all of them but age are within the realm of our control. It really is all about prevention when talking about a stroke. Reducing hypertension, quitting smoking, addressing [ ... ]

Multivitamin for Memory

Most people wouldn’t think to turn to a multivitamin for memory. For some however, supplementing with a multivitamin is one of the best things that you can do to boost your brain power. If you are deficient in vital nutrients [ ... ]

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