Fish Oil seems to popping up everywhere in health articles and there appears to be conclusive evidence as to why. Its Omega-3 Fatty Acid properties offer a wide array of benefits spanning from improving and preventing heart disease, dampening down menstrual pain to alleviating asthma. However, one of its most profound effects may be its impact on the brain. Omega-3 Fatty Acids have been proven to enhance brain function, ward off depression, improve cognition and sharpen your memory.
Roughly 8% of our brains weight is made up of Omega 3 Fatty Acids (1). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are the Omega 3’s that fish oil is the brain from the oxidative stress that will inevitably lead to inflammation and disease. These diseases may include Alzheimer’s disease, aggression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficient hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), autoimmune diseases and aggressive behavior (2,3,4).
One study showed that adult inmates in Australia with ADD and prone to aggressive behavior, benefited from cardioprotective dosages of fish oil.The higher the blood serum of fish oil in the cardioprotective range, resulted in the biggest reduction in both aggressive behavior and ADD symptoms (4). In another study with animals, scientist proved that Omega 3 fatty acids stop age-related loss of brain receptors that are needed for memory retention. Omega 3’s also increase neuronal growth, helping to improve memory (5).
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, when taking a fish oil supplement, people should not exceed more than 3 grams a day unless it’s for a specific health condition and under the watchful eye of a healthcare practitioner. Omega-3 fatty acids can increase bleeding in some individuals thinner (6). For optimum health, we recommend 1-2g daily.