If you are like me, there is nothing more dreadful than a fitness activity that feels wrong. Whether it be a spinning class, Zumba, running or lifting weights, what feels wrong to an individual should not have to be done. What feels right, whether that be walking, climbing mountains, swimming or hot yoga, should be embraced and definitely replace the activities that are not enjoyable. What this boils down to is being true to yourself and owning the fact that what is best for you may not be the most popular and that is just fine!
Feeling good about getting fit is key to the process. If you are trying out different activities and you find some boring and others unsuited to your needs, drop them. There is no sense in doing something intended to help you when it actually causes you dread, boredom or stress. However, sometimes an activity, especially those that are new to us, might require a few try’s before a decision to whether or not it is a good choice can be made. Zumba, for instance, is a bucket of fun, but the first few classes can be intimidating and overwhelming. Once you realize that you are not alone in learning new moves and that no one cares if you mess up, you might end up really liking Zumba. Or not, and that is A-OK!
Fitness is essential to a healthy life and, like all things, should suit who you are and not only change your body for the better, but also change your mind for the better. Again, if you find that every time you go to the gym you feel anxiety and every time you take a spinning class your back aches and you cannot wait to be done, change your routine to something that brings you joy! Fitness should always feel right! You are worth taking the time to find out what works best for you and I just know, once you do, your fitness will not only be right but also invigorating, stimulating and a true joy!
I wish you the best health and I hope you will take the time to nurture yourself today with healthy food, plenty of water and your favorite activities.
Please remember to take your vitamins and take your time! Enjoy your journey! Always!