Gardening For Great Health: The Health Benefits of Diggin’ in the Dirt

Gardening For Great Health: The Health Benefits of Diggin’ in the Dirt

Spring is here and now is the perfect time to get gardening! Staying active outdoors is important for your mind, body and for your soul. Gardening is a wonderful option and here are some of the bountiful benefits gardening has in store for you:

Gardening Boosts Your Mood! Instead of sitting in front of the computer or TV, going outside and experiencing the glory nature has to offer greatly increases happiness, mood and all of the feel-good chemicals in your body.  The movements your body goes through while shoveling, digging and planting are excellent stress busters and truly center your mind.

Gardening Helps You Eat Healthier! When you start to witness the birth of snow pea or the growth of a tomato you will begin to gravitate towards natural, home grown and organic foods over those that are processed and lacking in color and texture.  Gardening promotes a connection with your food that does not come through an in-store purchase.

Gardening Helps You Heal. While gardening you are exposed to sunlight and sunlight helps the body heal quickly.  Exposure to natural sunlight reduces pain and actually reduces hospital stays and mortality rates.

Gardening Boosts Your Vitamin-D Levels.  Sun exposure is the best form of Vitamin-D and being in a garden exposes you to plenty!

Gardening Increases Your Nutrition!  Yep, if you grow your own, you are growing a more nutrient dense vegetable and fruit than that available in stores.  Your soil will be fortified and clean.  The soil commercial produce is grown in is full of chemicals and pesticides, which decrease the nutrient quality of the produce.

Gardening Allows You To Eat Seasonally!  With a garden that grows year round, you can eat with the season… This is the healthiest way to eat and eating seasonally is a more responsible and eco-friendly way to eat.  You will not be paying for produce that is not in season and that requires many miles of transport and that is often grown in unsustainable ways.

I hope you will find your garden tools and start gardening, tending to your garden or helping others learn to garden as soon as you can!  Gardening allows both what is in the ground to grow and that which is within your heart to flourish and develop as well! While you tend to your garden, your garden tends to your body, your mind, and your soul! Gardening truly nurtures great health!


  1. Haas EM. Staying healthy with the seasons. Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA. 1981.
  2. Igarashi O. The Significance of the Issuance of the 5th Revision of the Japanese Standard Tables of Food Components on Study and Research on Vitamins and Diseases. 36th Vitamin Information Center Press Seminar. Tokyo, Japan. 2001.
  3. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Nutrient analysis of liquid pasteurized milk. Food Surveillance Information Sheets, Number 128. 1997.
  4. Pitchford P. Healing with whole foods. Revised edition. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA. 1993.


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This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.

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