Why You Need Ginger in Your Diet: 10 Health Benefits of Ginger

ginger tea on a wood surface

Ginger is much more than a tasty culinary spice. There is a long list of ginger benefits that are worth exploring. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Recent research shows that many of the health benefits of ginger in traditional medicine are found to be effective in controlled studies as well.  You can enjoy many of the health benefits of ginger by adding it to food, making ginger tea, and drinking lemon ginger water. If you want to take advantage of the therapeutic properties of ginger, but dislike the taste, it is also available as an extract in liquid or capsule form. Below are explanations of ten of the top health benefits of ginger.

Health Benefits of Ginger

1. Ginger may help support you in reaching your weight loss goals

In a review of the literature, researchers found that ginger shows promise when it comes to losing weight across multiple studies. A study that included 80 obese women between the ages of 18 and 45 found that ‘ginger consumption has potential in managing obesity.’

2. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties

In several studies, ginger has shown promise as an anti-inflammatory. Patients dealing with chronic issues like osteoarthritis who used ginger reported less stiffness and improved physical functioning. Chronic inflammation is associated with a number of serious conditions including heart disease, diabetes, bowl diseases, and arthritis. The health benefits of ginger as an anti-inflammatory have the potential to be far reaching.

3. Ginger may help protect your oral health

Gingivitis and periodontitis are inflammatory gum diseases that can cause a number of problems for your oral and overall health. Components found in ginger have been shown to inhibit the growth of the pathogens that cause gum disease. For people who are prone to gum disease, ginger benefits may extend to your overall oral health.

4. Ginger may help relieve gastrointestinal distress

Ginger has been used to treat symptoms of gastrointestinal distress in Asian medicine for centuries. Modern research is exploring the effectiveness of ginger to provide relief in this area. Research shows that ginger may help relieve constipation and reduce flatulence.

5. Ginger may help lower your LDL cholesterol

Supplementing with ginger or adding it into your diet may have a positive impact on your LDL cholesterol. This is the type of cholesterol that is associated with plaque building up in your arteries. An animal study found that ginger extract consumption significantly reduced LDL cholesterol in participants.

6. Ginger may ease nausea

Ginger has long been used to help ease nausea and vomiting. In a double blind study, researchers found that patients who took ginger before major surgery experienced less nausea and vomiting after the procedure than those who took a placebo. Ginger has also been shown to help reduce morning sickness and nausea in pregnant women.

7. Ginger has potential for the prevention of disease

A study of almost 5,000 adult participants found that ginger has a ‘potential preventative property against some chronic diseases.’ In the study, the probability of diseases like hypertension and coronary heart disease went down as the level of daily ginger intake increased.

8. Ginger may help reduce pain

Multiple studies have found that supplementing with ginger or adding it to your diet can have help reduce pain. One study found that ginger was as effective as ibuprofen in managing swelling and pain after oral surgery.

9. Ginger may support brain health

There is exciting research that investigates the possibility of using components in ginger to develop better treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Other research has found that ginger benefits include increased cognitive function and improved working memory.

10. Ginger may help prevent or reduce allergy symptoms

An animal study found that components in ginger may help prevent or alleviate allergy symptoms like stuffiness, sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes.

Ways to Consume Ginger in Your Daily Diet

You can experience ginger benefits by adding it to food while you cook. Ginger is a popular spice in Asian-inspired savory dishes and holiday inspired baked goods. Other options for consuming ginger in your daily diet include taking a ginger supplement and drinking ginger tea or lemon ginger water.

1. Ginger Supplement

If you do not like the taste of ginger or simply do not cook enough with it to experience all of the health benefits of ginger, consider adding a daily ginger supplement.  A high-quality ginger supplement can provide you with all of the ginger benefits that are available.

2. Ginger Tea (Check out our recipe)

Ginger tea is another way to add ginger to your daily diet. Ginger tea benefits include nausea relief, reduced inflammation, improved circulation, and several more. Check out our simple and delicious ginger tea recipe and experience all of the lemon ginger tea benefits for yourself.

3. Lemon Ginger Immune Boost

The combination of lemon and ginger can pack a tasty and powerful punch to your diet. If you are looking for a natural and delicious way to feel your best and boost your immunity, check out Lemon Ginger Immune Boost.

What are the benefits of ginger and lemon?

Ginger and lemon benefits may help support your immune system, fight free radicals, and support a healthy inflammatory response. Drinking lemon ginger water is a simple and tasty way to experience the benefits that ginger and lemon have to offer.

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Ginger is much more than a tasty culinary spice. There is a long list of ginger benefits that are worth exploring. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Recent research shows that many of the health benefits of ginger in traditional medicine are found to be effective in controlled studies as well.  You can enjoy many of the health benefits of ginger by adding it to food, making ginger tea, and drinking lemon ginger water. If you want to take advantage of the therapeutic properties of ginger, but dislike the taste, it is also available as an extract in liquid or capsule form. Below are explanations of ten of the top health benefits of ginger.

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This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.

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