How To Be Your Own Greatness Guru: Taking The Steps To Lead an Amazing, Happy and Empowered Life

Okay friends, here are the super simple steps you can take to become your own “Greatness Guru” and to lead an amazing, happy and empowered life.  No worries, you can do this!  Just take your time and before you know it, you will be helping others get their “Greatness Guru” going on too!

  1. Take a deep breath and smile! Feel your heart beating and give yourself a moment to thank your body, mind, and soul for its amazing-ness! Excellent job!
  2. Now, take the following few moments to reflect on this present moment, on YOUR life. Reflect on where you are. What you are doing. How you feel. What you do. Who you love. Who loves you. What brings you joy. What you want to do. What you want to be. How you want to feel. Who you want to love and who you would like to love you.
  3. Ok, great job.  Now, take all of these reflections, ideas, and feelings and write them down. Notice if what you are doing, where you are and how you are feeling in this moment differs from what you want.  Simply allowing yourself the time and creativity to write these feelings down and compare is the first step to living an amazing, empowered and truly happy life.
  4. Breathe deep and give yourself the time to be honest with yourself.  Take a beat and just digest what you are feeling and the answers that came up.  Let these feelings and emotions toss in your head for a while.  Begin to realize that you are the only person who can make these reflections and ideas come to fruition.  Realize that becoming “Great” and living a “full” life depends on YOU. You have power. You have the power needed to make what you want in life happen.
  5. Ok, now is the time to relax into these new found reflections and to embrace your own capacity to put greatness into motion.  An example of doing so is to grant yourself grace in this moment, knowing that you have ideas, passions and goals and perhaps you have not “arrived” yet, but you can, as of this moment, design a path, a journey working to make all of these wants and desires happen.
  6. Smile.  You are actively addressing ideas, thoughts and desires that most people sweep under the rug and settle for a life less lived, less happy, less awesome and less amazing than it should be.  You can affirm what you truly want, create a plan and seriously manifest greatness.
  7. Going through the motions mentioned here and staying true to who you are, what you want and truly planning change, embracing your path and choosing to enjoy journey to your dreams makes you your own “Greatness Guru”.  You do not have to look to anybody or anything else to achieve happiness, amazement or empowerment.  You have it all inside you! You really do!  Just follow through and follow your heart!

Living a “great” life is living a healthy life.  Please take great care of yourself and pass these tools along to those you love.  I just know you can do the work to get to where you really want to be in life.  I believe in you.  Just do it!



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