
Ways to help reduce stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. We all experience stress at some point, whether it’s due to work relationships, finances or so many other things. But that also doesn’t mean we need to go about living life feeling constantly on edge or try to just toughen it out. There are some helpful tweaks you can make to your routine to fend off stress.

Here are 7 that’s helped me.

1. Get a workout in

Moving your body is a great way to fight off those stressful feelings. Exercise helps give an outlet for the physical and emotional tension that builds up – after an intense workout sesh, your body releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that reduce the feelings of stress and poor mood. And it helps increase blood flow to your brain to improve mental clarity and focus. The movement you do doesn’t have to be an intense workout – even light to moderate exercises like walking, biking or yoga helps amplify endorphins.

2. Spend time with family and friends

When our stress levels increase, we tend to close ourselves off. Consider reaching out to a family member or friend when you feel down. Social connections are a great way to relieve stress because they provide a safe space to unload and unwind. When you spend time with people that care – you feel valued and supported, which helps boost confidence and a sense of belonging. Not only that, but spending time with loved ones can also help you relax and have fun. Laughing and talking and engaging in activities that you enjoy can help you feel more positive and upbeat while reducing feelings of stress. It is true that we all need an outlet, so remember to check in with your bestie when times get tough!

3. Eat a balanced, nutrient-dense diet

It is important to remember that your diet has a direct impact on all aspects of life, mental health included! By nourishing your body with a nutrient-dense diet, you’re giving your body the quality fuel it needs to better handle both physical and mental stress and feel more resilient in the face of stress. For instance, fruits and veggies help lower cortisol levels, your main stress hormone. Healthy fats reduce inflammation and proteins helps stabilize blood sugars for steady energy and mood. On the flip side, some foods can exacerbate stress levels and increase feelings of nervousness and stress. A diet high in processed foods, caffeine and alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns, raise cortisol and worsen feelings of anxiety.

Reach for nutrient-dense, functional foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean proteins to support mind and body wellness. Focusing on whole foods and limiting processed snacks will improve your body’s resilience to stress.

4. Prioritize quality sleep

Sleep is essential for managing stress because it allows your body and mind to rest and recharge. When you sleep, your body repairs damaged tissues, your brain consolidates memories and processes emotions, and your hormones reset for the next day. Without enough sleep, your body and mind can’t function properly, leading to increased stress levels.

In fact, studies have shown that sleep deprivation can increase levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and decrease levels of serotonin, the hormone associated with happiness and well-being. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, irritability, and depression, making it even harder to manage stress.

On the other hand, getting enough sleep can help you feel more resilient and better equipped to handle stress. A good night’s sleep can improve your mood, increase your focus and productivity, and boost your immune system, all of which can help you manage stress more effectively.

So, if you’re looking to manage stress, don’t forget the importance of sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, establish a consistent sleep routine, and create a comfortable sleep environment. Your body and mind will thank you, and you’ll be better prepared to take on whatever challenges come your way.

5. Limit Your Caffeine Intake

While caffeine can give you a boost in energy, it can also increase stress levels. Caffeine is a stimulant and a little amount can actually have a positive effect on stress – it increases alertness, improves focus and helps with mood so you’re better able to resolve the stressors at hand. But too much or too late in the day can also have negative impacts. Caffeine also increases heart rate and cortisol, which can make you feel more nervous, jittery and irritable, making it harder to manage stress. Not just that, but it can also disrupt your sleep at night. Limit your caffeine intake to 400 mg per day, this equates to about 4 cups of brewed coffee.

6. Keep a Journal

Journaling can be a powerful tool for managing stress. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, it can be hard to make sense of all your thoughts and emotions, but writing is a great way to release any built-up emotion. Putting pen to paper can also help with mental clarity and get perspective on your experience, allowing you to feel more in control and better able to cope with stress. You can make your journal whatever you want it to be, not for anyone else’s reading pleasure! No structure necessary, just a safe and private space to jot down your thoughts and feelings. Just pick up a pen and get those feelings out. This process is also great for self-reflection.

7. Put the phone down

We live in a world ruled by smart phones and computers. Although these devices are necessary, overuse can increase stress levels. Your phone can create a constant stream of notifications and distractions, whether it’s emails, social media alerts or news updates – the constant barrage of information can make it difficult to focus and relax. Consider dedicating time during the day to being present and put the screens away. Utilize the time to prioritize self-care, whatever that means to you! This may consist of a bubble bath, skin care, tidying up your space or listening to your favorite music.

About Briana

Briana is a Nutritionist with a degree in Nutritional Sciences from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania. She has a passion for educating others about the importance of Nutrition, and the power of a progressive relationship with diet and wellness.  

Briana is just one of the many experts at Persona who are here to accelerate your wellness journey. If you have questions about nutrition or your personalized program, reach out now or book a free appointment with Briana or another of our amazing nutritionists. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.     

This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.       


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What can a nutritionist do for me?

Picture this: you’re taking your supplement packs every morning and everything’s going great, then one day, you realize you’re feeling more stressed than usual. You feel something may be missing from your program but you’re not sure what. Or maybe you’ve been forgetting to take your night packs and worried that you’re not getting all the benefits you need. Wherever you’re at in your health journey—and no matter what questions you may have—our amazing team of nutritionists are here to help: 

1) They’re supplement savants (and better than Google!) 

Personalized vitamins are designed to complement your diet, exercise, health goals, and lifestyle (…which is awesome!). But what happens when you’ve never heard of one of the pills in your pack, or want to know about other options, or need help with a new issue—like a buzzing mind? A Google search will pull up some answers, but with all the information (and misinformation) out there, it’s hard to know what to believe. Persona’s nutritionists have accredited degrees in nutrition and know the research; they can tell science from snake oil and help guide you to a plan that’s right for you. Plus, it’s just better to talk to a real person—especially if you’re like me and tend to have at least five sorry-one-more-question’s when learning something new. And that’s okay; our nutritionists are happy to answer! 

2) They go beyond the assessment 

During an appointment, nutritionists can offer help beyond the assessment. It’s a one-on-one conversation that lets you share more detail about your needs, goals and gaps in your diet, so they can adjust your recommendations if needed. Maybe you’re loving your supplements one month but feeling they’re off the next. Or wondering if you should tweak your packs to fit a new fitness plan. Life happens, and it can be hard for an online assessment to keep up. Our nutritionists can help you fill that gap. 

3) They’re full of tips and tricks 

Sometimes you have all the pieces in place, but you still struggle to stick to a wellness routine. Maybe you hate swallowing pills or don’t like the taste or just forget to take them. Trust me, nutritionists know all about these struggles. Luckily, they have some great tricks up their sleeves to help you out. Got a question about nutrition? They have an answer!  

If you’re ready, book your free, one-on-one consult with a nutritionist. It’s included with your subscription. Take advantage!  



About Gabby   

Gabby is a nutritionist with a master’s degree in strategic communications. She loves using her nutrition-fluency with storytelling to encourage positive change. Before Persona, she worked at a mental health clinic helping clients manage stress, anxiety and other mental health issues through diet.    

This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.   



Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


What Is Inulin?

By Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D., author of Eat Your Way to Happiness, and medical advisory board member for Persona Nutrition


You probably have heard of fiber. But have you heard of inulin? It’s worth a look, because this new kid on the nutrient block has some important health benefits.


Inulin is a group of carbohydrate-like substances found in a variety of foods, from garlic, onions, and leeks to bananas, artichokes, asparagus, and whole wheat. Chicory root is the richest source of inulin, so is the primary source for inulin in supplements and fortified foods. It has a creamy and sweet texture, so it is used in foods as a fat and/or sugar replacer and to improve texture. (1,2)


Digestive Health Benefits

The inulin story begins with gut health. Your gut environment, called the microbiome, contains a population of tens of thousands of different good and bad bacteria. The right balance is important for gut health and to protect the body from disease. The healthy bacteria are called probiotics and include lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Inulin is what the experts call a “prebiotic,” which means it is fermented in the GI tract and supports a healthy microbiome by encouraging the growth and activity of these probiotics.* For example, inulin can help relieve constipation in everyone from kids to seniors, it may reduce GI infections and inflammation. (1-8)


Inulin Benefits

But, that’s just the tip of the nutritional iceberg. Inulin is a soluble fiber, so it slows digestion and allows carbohydrates and sugars to be released slowly into the blood stream. This helps stabilize blood sugar and maintain normal blood sugar levels. (9) In addition, inulin improves the absorption of several nutrients, including calcium and magnesium, and may be useful in increasing bone density. (7-9) Saving the best for last – being a soluble fiber, inulin helps slow digestion, increase feelings of fullness, and suppresses appetite, so is a worthwhile addition to the diet for those trying to maintain or lose weight. (10,11) Alongside Inulin we suggest looking into what is collagen.


Just don’t overdo it (think, “the key to success is balance”)! Like any fiber, inulin can cause gas and bloating, especially if you jump into a fiber-rich diet too soon. If a fiber-rich diet is new to you, then drink lots of water and start with a small dose of 2 to 3 grams of inulin a day. For easy reference, Persona’s Adult Immune Support Prebiotic gummy vitamin contains 3.6 grams of inulin per day through chicory root powder. Even if you do experience some bloating or gas, the symptoms subside with use and are most common when intake is high, such as 30 grams a day. Of course, like any supplement, if you have concerns or questions about inulin fiber, always discuss them with your doctor.


Inulin is just one ingredient in a healthful life. You’ll stack the deck in favor of living a long and healthful life if you also pack the plate with colorful fruits and vegetables, 100% whole grains, legumes, and other unprocessed foods; fill in the nutritional gaps with a personalized supplement program designed specifically for you; exercise daily; and sleep well.


*The combined effect of probiotics and prebiotics is called synbiotics.


  1. Niness K: Inulin and oligofructose: What are they? J Nutr 1999;129 (7 Suppl):1402S-1406S.
  2. Shoaib M, Shehzad A, Omar M, et al: Inulin: Properties, health benefits and food applications. Carbohydr Polym 2016;147:444-454.
  3. Kolida S, Tuohy K, Givson G: Prebiotic effects of inulin and oligofructose. Br J Nutr 2002;87 (suppl 2):S193-S197.
  4. Watzl B, Girrbach S, Roller M: Inulin, oligofructose and immunomodulation. Br J Nutr 2005;93 (suppl1):S49-S55.
  5. Casellas F, Borruel N, Torrejon A, et al: Oral oligofructose-enriched inulin supplementation in acute ulcerative colitis is well tolerated and associated with lowered faecal calprotectin. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2007;25:1061-1067.
  6. De Vrese M, Schrezenmier J: Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics.  Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol 2008;111:1-66.
  7. Costa G, Vasconcelos Q, Abreu G, et al: Changes in nutrient absorption in children and adolescents caused by fructans, especially fructooligosaccharides and inulin. Arch Pediatr 2020;27:166-169.
  8. Scholz-Ahrens K, Schrezenmier J: Inulin and oligofructose and mineral metabolism. J Nutr 2007;137 (suppl):2513S-2523S.
  9. Weaver C: Inulin, oligofructose and bone health. Br J Nutr 2005;93 (suppl 1):S99-S103.
  10. Chambers E, Viardot A, Psichas A, et al: Effects of targeted delivery of propionate to the human colon on appetite regulation, body weight maintenance and adiposity in overweight adults. Gut 2015;64:1744-1754.
  11. Guess N, Dornhorst A, Oliver N, et al: A randomized controlled trial: The effect of inulin on weight management and ectopic fat in subjects with prediabetes. Nutr Metal 2015;12:36.



Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


How to Get the Most Out of Your Supplement Program 

When it comes to supplementation, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are countless products out there claiming to be the “best” option for you. We’re here to clear the noise and provide tactical information to get the most out of your supplement routine. At Persona, our goal is to support your unique health journey with the most effective, nutrient dense supplements on the market.


1. Bioavailability

    • Not all supplements are created equal. At Persona, we select the best vitamin bioavailability to ensure your body can utilize as much as possible. For example, vitamin D supplements can be found in two forms: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. We use vitamin D3 – it is the preferred form since it is better absorbed by the body and found in most foods that naturally contain the vitamin.
    • It’s also important to consider common variations and conditions that can affect your body’s ability to absorb a nutrient. For example, our multivitamins use a methylated form of folic acid, called “methylfolate” to accommodate a common a gene variation that doesn’t allow you to fully utilize folic acid.
    • This is often overlooked, but timing We provide convenient packs distributed by time of day to ensure you are pairing your supplements with a meal when it matters. For example, fat-soluble vitamins are best absorbed with a meal, so we always place your multivitamin in a breakfast or dinner pack.

2. Nutrient Synergy

    • Your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from your food can be significantly influenced by what it is paired with. For example on the topic of vitamin absorption, did you know that vitamin C helps your body absorb iron? With this in mind, we formulated our iron supplement with 250 milligrams of vitamin C to ensure you get the most out of your supplement. Our team of doctors, nutritionists, RDs and pharmacists take nutrient synergy into consideration when selecting and/or formulating all our supplements.
    • We also ensure you never take any supplement combinations that inhibit or negatively affect vitamin absorption. For example, we never place iron and calcium in the same pack because calcium is known to hinder iron absorption.


3. More Than a Multi

    • Multivitamins have been popular since WWII, when they were rolled out to fight malnutrition. Today, roughly 1 in 3 Americans still take them. And while these all-in-one pills can help fill nutrition gaps, too many people misunderstand them, assuming they’ll address specific health concerns they were never intended to fix.
    • Recent innovations in tech and nutrition science have given rise to a new, powerful solution: personalized nutrition. Persona is a leader in this field. We help our customers support their nutrition beyond just a multivitamin while removing the guesswork around what is best for you. Personalized vitamin packs curated by a doctor-designed algorithm can help you address specific health needs in a way a multivitamin alone never could.


4. Consider Dose/Strength:

    • When it comes to selecting the dose/strength of your supplements, it’s important take several factors into consideration such as diet, age, activity level, medications, and sunlight exposure, to name a few. You must also be careful about exceeding upper limits, as some nutrients can be harmful in high doses.
    • At Persona, we remove the guesswork and recommend specific doses based your unique answers to our questionnaire. We also monitor upper limits closely to ensure you never receive a recommendation that could be harmful.

5. Quality Ingredients

    • At Persona, we work strategically with suppliers we trust to source the highest quality ingredients. All our formulas are backed by the latest research to ensure they meet your body’s needs efficiently. Our goal is always to offer more benefit with fewer pills.
    • For example, most Ashwagandha supplements use only the root of the Withania somifera At Persona, we use a patented, organic Ashwagandha called Sensoril®. Sensoril® is derived from both leaves and roots of the plant, delivering the highest level of bioavailability in vitamins on the market.

6. Medications & Drug-Nutrient Interactions

    • Store shelves are stocked with vitamins and supplements made for the masses, and most don’t consider the interactions that can occur between supplements and medications. Drug nutrient interactions affect efficacy and can be dangerous. To lessen the chance of interaction, Persona makes sure to eliminate all supplements that contain ingredients that might react adversely with your medications. It’s important to consider your current medications before starting a nutrition program.
    • We take this a step further and recommend additional supplements based on what your medications may be depleting you of. For example, cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) inhibit your body’s production of CoQ10, which is essential in preserving the energy supplies of our cells. So, we recommend additional CoQ10 when statins are indicated for added support.


7. Consider Convenience:

    • Consistency is key with supplementation. It can take time to build up depleted nutrient stores in the body. So, why not set yourself up for success? At Persona, we make it easy to remember to take your supplements with daily, individual packs.


Above all else, when you are shopping for supplements, make sure you are looking for a brand that has doctors, nutritionists and other nutrition experts working behind the scenes. These are the health care professionals who are staying up to date on the latest nutrition research. Take Persona’s free online assessment to learn about your personalized recommendation before shopping for vitamins.


Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


Why You Need Ginger in Your Diet: 10 Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is much more than a tasty culinary spice. There is a long list of ginger benefits that are worth exploring. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Recent research shows that many of the health benefits of ginger in traditional medicine are found to be effective in controlled studies as well.  You can enjoy many of the health benefits of ginger by adding it to food, making ginger tea, and drinking lemon ginger water. If you want to take advantage of the therapeutic properties of ginger, but dislike the taste, it is also available as an extract in liquid or capsule form. Below are explanations of ten of the top health benefits of ginger.

Health Benefits of Ginger

1. Ginger may help support you in reaching your weight loss goals

In a review of the literature, researchers found that ginger shows promise when it comes to losing weight across multiple studies. A study that included 80 obese women between the ages of 18 and 45 found that ‘ginger consumption has potential in managing obesity.’

2. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties

In several studies, ginger has shown promise as an anti-inflammatory. Patients dealing with chronic issues like osteoarthritis who used ginger reported less stiffness and improved physical functioning. Chronic inflammation is associated with a number of serious conditions including heart disease, diabetes, bowl diseases, and arthritis. The health benefits of ginger as an anti-inflammatory have the potential to be far reaching.

3. Ginger may help protect your oral health

Gingivitis and periodontitis are inflammatory gum diseases that can cause a number of problems for your oral and overall health. Components found in ginger have been shown to inhibit the growth of the pathogens that cause gum disease. For people who are prone to gum disease, ginger benefits may extend to your overall oral health.

4. Ginger may help relieve gastrointestinal distress

Ginger has been used to treat symptoms of gastrointestinal distress in Asian medicine for centuries. Modern research is exploring the effectiveness of ginger to provide relief in this area. Research shows that ginger may help relieve constipation and reduce flatulence.

5. Ginger may help lower your LDL cholesterol

Supplementing with ginger or adding it into your diet may have a positive impact on your LDL cholesterol. This is the type of cholesterol that is associated with plaque building up in your arteries. An animal study found that ginger extract consumption significantly reduced LDL cholesterol in participants.

6. Ginger may ease nausea

Ginger has long been used to help ease nausea and vomiting. In a double blind study, researchers found that patients who took ginger before major surgery experienced less nausea and vomiting after the procedure than those who took a placebo. Ginger has also been shown to help reduce morning sickness and nausea in pregnant women.

7. Ginger has potential for the prevention of disease

A study of almost 5,000 adult participants found that ginger has a ‘potential preventative property against some chronic diseases.’ In the study, the probability of diseases like hypertension and coronary heart disease went down as the level of daily ginger intake increased.

8. Ginger may help reduce pain

Multiple studies have found that supplementing with ginger or adding it to your diet can have help reduce pain. One study found that ginger was as effective as ibuprofen in managing swelling and pain after oral surgery.

9. Ginger may support brain health

There is exciting research that investigates the possibility of using components in ginger to develop better treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Other research has found that ginger benefits include increased cognitive function and improved working memory.

10. Ginger may help prevent or reduce allergy symptoms

An animal study found that components in ginger may help prevent or alleviate allergy symptoms like stuffiness, sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes.

Ways to Consume Ginger in Your Daily Diet

You can experience ginger benefits by adding it to food while you cook. Ginger is a popular spice in Asian-inspired savory dishes and holiday inspired baked goods. Other options for consuming ginger in your daily diet include taking a ginger supplement and drinking ginger tea or lemon ginger water.

1. Ginger Supplement

If you do not like the taste of ginger or simply do not cook enough with it to experience all of the health benefits of ginger, consider adding a daily ginger supplement.  A high-quality ginger supplement can provide you with all of the ginger benefits that are available.

2. Ginger Tea (Check out our recipe)

Ginger tea is another way to add ginger to your daily diet. Ginger tea benefits include nausea relief, reduced inflammation, improved circulation, and several more. Check out our simple and delicious ginger tea recipe and experience all of the lemon ginger tea benefits for yourself.

3. Lemon Ginger Immune Boost

The combination of lemon and ginger can pack a tasty and powerful punch to your diet. If you are looking for a natural and delicious way to feel your best and boost your immunity, check out Lemon Ginger Immune Boost.

What are the benefits of ginger and lemon?

Ginger and lemon benefits may help support your immune system, fight free radicals, and support a healthy inflammatory response. Drinking lemon ginger water is a simple and tasty way to experience the benefits that ginger and lemon have to offer.

Why choose Persona for supplement intake?

Persona nutrition simplifies the process of choosing and taking supplements. Your wellness goals and health concerns are unique. Because of this, taking a one-size-fits-all supplement will not provide you with the results you want. The Persona Nutrition assessment is designed to help you find the unique combination of supplements that are right for you. Take our assessment and discover the combination of supplements that will help you move toward achieving your wellness goals and feeling your best. Persona also makes it easy to take your daily supplements. You will receive a customized daily supplement packs that you simply open and take. This eliminates the complicated and time-consuming task of separating out your supplements each day.

Ginger is much more than a tasty culinary spice. There is a long list of ginger benefits that are worth exploring. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Recent research shows that many of the health benefits of ginger in traditional medicine are found to be effective in controlled studies as well.  You can enjoy many of the health benefits of ginger by adding it to food, making ginger tea, and drinking lemon ginger water. If you want to take advantage of the therapeutic properties of ginger, but dislike the taste, it is also available as an extract in liquid or capsule form. Below are explanations of ten of the top health benefits of ginger.

If you are looking for the highest quality Vitamin and Mineral Supplements personalized for you, please go to and take their on-line questionnaire providing individualized vitamin and mineral recommendations. Persona is the only Science Based supplement provider on the web today! Take advantage of their knowledge and use it to your health’s benefit!
This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.

Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar: Hair, Weightloss, Detox

One of the hottest nutritional supplements currently on the market is apple cider vinegar. If you have noticed the excitement, you may be asking the question, ‘What is apple cider vinegar good for?’ Apple cider vinegar has been used for thousands of years to treat a number of common ailments. Current research shows that it also has properties that can have a positive impact on your overall wellness and long-term health.

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is apple juice that has been fermented using yeast. When the yeast is introduced, the natural sugars in the apple juice ferment. This changes the makeup of the juice from sweet to acidic. The change that apple juice undergoes during the fermentation process is also what gives apple cider vinegar its beneficial properties.

Why you should drink apple cider vinegar.

Drinking apple cider vinegar can provide you with a number of health and wellness benefits. It is worth exploring the range of health benefits that apple cider vinegar can provide to determine if it is something that can improve your health and quality of life.

What is the ‘Mother’ in apple cider vinegar drinks?

Apple cider vinegar with mother simply means that yeast and healthy bacteria used in the fermentation process are still present in the apple cider vinegar. If you notice that the apple cider vinegar looks murky at the bottom of the bottle, the murkiness you are seeing is the ‘mother’.

Apple cider vinegar health benefits

  1. Apple cider vinegar may help support you in reaching your weight loss goals.

Apple cider vinegar weight loss is possible because ACV may help you feel full. Research shows that supplementing with vinegar may increase the feeling of fullness after eating. An apple cider vinegar diet that includes daily consumption of ACV may help with weight gain and weight loss.

  1. Apple cider vinegar is a probiotic.

The yeast and bacteria found in apple cider vinegar have probiotic properties. This means that there are live, beneficial bacteria in apple cider vinegar. There is a mountain of research on the benefits of probiotics when it comes to gut health. Apple cider vinegar with mother has proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that can be used in the prevention or treatment of conditions that range from irritable bowel syndrome to the recurrence of bladder cancer.

  1. Apple cider vinegar can help the look of your hair.

Apple cider vinegar for hair care is something that is gaining popularity. Many modern hair products are being blamed for hair and scalp issues including dry hair, frizzy hair, and dandruff. When the pH of your scalp gets out of whack, it can cause your hair to look frizzy and allow dandruff-causing bacteria to grow. Apple cider vinegar can be used to aid the natural pH of your scalp.

  1. Apple cider vinegar can reduce blood pressure.

Components in apple cider vinegar have been found to reduce blood pressure in animal studies.

  1. Apple cider vinegar can impact cholesterol.

Adding apple cider vinegar to your diet can have a positive impact on your cholesterol. A randomized, clinical trial found that introducing apple cider vinegar into your diet can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

  1. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural cleaning and preservation agent.

If you are concerned about the potential impact of commercial home cleaning or food preservation products on the environment and your health, apple cider vinegar is a natural alternative.

What are some helpful nutrients in apple cider vinegar?

On its own, apple cider vinegar does not have high levels of vitamins or minerals. However, apple cider vinegar does come with strands of proteins, enzymes, and good bacteria that all contribute to its many health benefits.

Check out our apple cider vinegar gummies!

If you are convinced that incorporating apple cider vinegar into your life can provide benefits, check out our apple cider vinegar gummies!

What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar gummies?

It can be difficult to handle the harsh taste of drinking apple cider vinegar on its own. Because of this, many people try to consume it daily by adding it to water, tea, or food. The extra steps required to fit in apple cider vinegar makes it difficult to use it consistently. Persona Nutrition has solved that problem by offering apple cider vinegar gummies.  Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies can provide you with health benefits of apple cider vinegar in an easy-to-take gummy form.

Are there any potential side effects of apple cider vinegar?

The worst potential side effects of apple cider vinegar come from consuming it as a liquid. Undiluted apple cider vinegar may erode the enamel of your teeth and potentially cause burns in your throat. Taking too much apple cider vinegar can also potentially lead to bone loss. It is important to consume apple cider vinegar in the appropriate form and at the appropriate levels.

How often should you drink apple cider vinegar or take the gummies?

Getting the appropriate amount of apple cider vinegar is an important part of enjoying the benefits without experiencing negative side effects. The recommended dose of apple cider vinegar is 1-2 tablespoons per day or 1-2 gummies, three times daily. No matter how you decide to consume apple cider vinegar, be sure and follow the recommended dosage and the advice of your doctor.

There is no easier way to get in your daily dose of apple cider vinegar than to take them in gummy form. Persona Nutrition has great tasting apple cider vinegar gummies that can complement the other supplements in your personalized lineup. Add apple cider vinegar gummies to your next delivery and experience them for yourself!


Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


Daphne Oz, “The Little Choices I Make to Protect My Own Happiness” as Heard on Off the Gram Podcast

Persona’s nutrition ambassador, Daphne Oz, was on today’s Off the Gram podcast with the show’s hosts, including Jamie Hess and Christine Bibbo-Herr.  In this segment, Daphne talks about the one woman who has influenced her life, the little choices she makes every day to protect her own happiness, the importance of body positivity especially in front of her kids, the importance of confidence and what her daily routine looks like.

The hosts are “sweating” Persona as a product in their daily lives and reveal which vitamins are in their custom packs, and Daphne shares what attracted her to this personalized nutrition company.

Hear more by listening HERE.



About Daphne Oz

Daphne Oz is an Emmy Award-winning television host, New York Times-bestselling author, chef, and entrepreneur focused on innovation in food and beverage, beauty, wellness, fashion and media. She is the newest judge to join renowned chefs Gordon Ramsay and Aaron Sanchez on FOX’s MasterChef Junior. Daphne also cohosts The Dish on Oz (a weekly series airing Wednesdays on The Dr. Oz Show), where she brings the latest in food news, family-friendly recipes, expert tricks, and social media-worthy indulgence to the small screen. Daphne was previously cohost of ABC’s The Chew for six seasons.  She cohosts the chart-topping podcast Mom Brain, where she shares candid conversations about parenting and how to raise happy, confident kids with trusted experts, doctors, celebrities and friends. Daphne’s delicious and refreshingly realistic approach to balanced living has made her an in-demand speaker on all things food, wellness, motherhood and lifestyle. A graduate of Princeton University, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and The Natural Gourmet Institute, Daphne and her husband have four children.

You can follow Daphne on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @DaphneOz.


Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


Is Everyone as Tired as I am?

This past year has been a very strange time in our lives. If your stressors are the same as mine, you may be trying to balance working a full-time job while caring for and educating children in the next room. Americans are worn out and our concerns are being reflected in our health. You may be wondering if your health concerns are the same as others, and we were too!


Persona Nutrition conducted its first-ever Health Needs Index. This looked at the nation’s top health concerns in 2020 and was analyzed by our team of data scientists. Our team analyzed our free online nutritional assessments, completed more than 1 million times in the U.S. From this review, we found that American’s top health concerns in 2020 were


  1. Energy,
  2. Stress,
  3. Sleep,
  4. Beauty (hair, skin, and nails), and
  5.  Digestion


We break down the top states for each of these health concerns and provide foods and nutrients that can help support these health goals. Take a look – even if you don’t hail from one of these states – in addition to the tips you’ve set aside for a morning workout, you’ll likely learn something new that you can incorporate into your daily diet.


#1 The Most Sluggish States = 57% of Michigan and Ohio survey takers listed Energy as a top focus

In addition to adding physical fitness to your daily routines, you can turn to fiber-rich foods, including oats, buckwheat, seeds, apples and berries as well as dietary supplements with the following vitamins and nutrients – fermented ginseng, green tea, vitamin B-12, and cordyceps.


#2 The Most Stressed States = 34% of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia survey takers listed Stress as a top focus

You can try adding more foods rich in B vitamins, zinc, omega-3s, and vitamin C and consider supplementing your diet with a combination of a high-quality multivitamin plus ashwagandha, cordyceps, DHA omega-3, and fermented ginseng.


#3 The Sleepiest States = 34% of Georgia and North Carolina survey takers listed Sleep as a top focus

Melatonin is made naturally in the body and can also be added through rotating supplement programs to help achieve sleep goals. In addition, nutrients such as herbs, trace minerals, and amino acids can support sleep naturally.


#4 The Most Vain States = 29% of New York and California survey takers listed Beauty as a top focus

What we see on the outside starts from the inside, so nutrition plays a key role in the health of hair, skin, and nails. Nutrients like collagen, horsetail extract, vitamin C and CoQ10 can help support beauty from within.


#5 The Windiest States = 28% of California and Massachusetts survey takers listed digestion as a top focus

Gut health woes are top of mind for many, as 70 percent of our immunity resides in our gut. Adding foods and beverages that promote the growth of good bacteria, like kefir, yogurt, and kombucha, as well as a daily probiotic can help those with gut health challenges.


Looking for supplements that are created just for you? Take our free assessment for personalized vitamin recommendations based on your health, diet, lifestyle, and prescription medications. The highest quality vitamins are delivered to you every month in convenient daily packs.


Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


Persona, Moms Meet, and Honest Opinions

When trying to decide on a new product or purchasing from a new company, we tend to ask ourselves a few questions: Does this product actually work? Is this a company I can trust? Is it worth trying? With so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Fortunately, we can look to those who have tried the product to help us decide. We trust reviews, ratings, the success people have had, and their experience with a brand.

At Persona, we celebrate feedback from our customers. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far – our algorithm is doctor-designed, our products are backed by science and the latest research, and we have a team of nutritionists to support you. Ultimately though, people are at the center of everything we do, and our goal is to promote health and wellness that works for you. So, we also listen and are focused on doing what’s right for you. We appreciate feedback and continuously use it to evolve and improve what we do.

Who are Moms Meet?

Recently, we had the opportunity to partner with Moms Meet, an online community-based platform that empowers moms and parents to connect and support one another. We were especially excited about this collaboration because both Persona and Moms Meet support a similar mission to promote healthier and happier lives for individuals and communities. We’d like to thank all the Moms Meet bloggers who took the time to try Persona and share their experience on the platform.

People can sign up online to join Moms Meet, then groups of members are selected to sample various products and services in exchange for a blog post with their honest opinion about it. Other moms and users on the platform who didn’t sample the product can turn to their posts for guidance with the assurance that the feedback is coming from a community they trust.

Here is what 15 Moms Meet bloggers had to say after trying Persona:

  • “Meet Persona Nutrition, your new ally and advocate. They don’t just bundle together a bunch of popular pills and send you on your way.” – BitterSweet


  • “Even though I’ve only been using [Persona] for a few weeks, I already feel like I have a little energy boost each day.” – The 413 Mom


  • “The bottom line for me… Persona took the guesswork out of which supplements I should take to address my body’s changing needs. I love that they give me easy access to real nutritionists, who can answer my specific questions.” – The Style Files


  • “Persona is a wellness solution to help you feel good, find more energy, and sleep better.” “I slept much deeper and I fell asleep much quicker. I also had more energy and I did not feel that afternoon slump that I typically felt.” – Cook with 5 Kids


  • “I have to tell you that it was awesome to not have tons of bottles to store in my medicine cabinet. Plus, having daily vitamin and supplement packs makes it a lot easier to keep on track with taking them.” – The Fun Learning Life


  • “Sometimes it is hard to know what your body needs for optimal health. I recently found Persona Nutrition and I love their approach to personalized health.” – Ginger Casa


  • “I had a great experience with Persona nutrition vitamin packs and would recommend them to anyone looking to better their health and need supplements for their specific needs.” – Dawn and Hope



  • “I love that my vitamins were picked specifically for my needs, and that they were delivered right to my front door. I found that it was convenient, and honestly just worry free.” – Crazy Little Love Birds


  • “Persona makes it super easy for you to keep track of your vitamins program, orders, and everything else right at your fingertips.” – Nicki’s Random Musings



  • “Persona provides a convenience, long-term nutritional supplement solution tailored precisely to you and your family’s needs.” – Bored Mom


  • “I am already noticing what a difference in energy I am feeling after three weeks taking the supplements. This in itself is worth it” – Guide4moms


  • “Persona offers such an easy way to love yourself a little extra each day.” – Nanny to Mommy


  • “Being able to take a quiz about what you are looking for and then it is delivered is so key, especially when it comes to vitamins.” – Teach Workout Love


  • “Trying out Persona Nutrition was an interesting experience. It showed me that it IS possible for me to have an established supplement routine.” – Lim by Lim

Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


Why you might need more than a multivitamin

Did you know multivitamins were created during World War II, in order to help Americans address food shortages during the war? And multivitamins have been popular ever since, helping people make up for nutritional and dietary deficiencies. Not everyone is successful at getting all the nutrients they need from the food they eat, so multivitamins seem like a reasonable catch-all to stay healthier.

But the science of nutrition has changed a lot since the 1940s, and the fact is, multivitamins are a one-size-fits-all approach to an extremely individualized issue — your body and its unique needs. What you may require to best support your personal well-being is unlikely to be the same as what your neighbor needs.

A new survey for Persona Nutrition by Wakefield Research reveals that almost half (47%) of Americans say it’s even more important to take a daily multivitamin now than last year. Most people look to multivitamins for specific health challenges, including:

  • 53% for supporting their immune system
  • 44% to have more energy
  • 26% to maintain a healthy weight
  • 24% to support a good night’s sleep
  • 24% to maintain a healthy stress level


However, a multivitamin might not contain the exact nutrients to help all people with those health concerns. In addition, vitamin supplements can also have a potentially negative effect on — or interaction with — other medications you may be taking.


How to determine your vitamin and supplement needs

Answering simple questions about your health history, lifestyle and medications in the online assessment at will reveal your personalized plan for recommended vitamins and supplements in 3-5 minutes.

“At 50, I’ve learned that I need more than a multivitamin to tackle my sleep and digestion challenges, so I love having all of my vitamins and supplements – like melatonin, peppermint, vitamin D, ginger, omega-3 and probiotic – organized with my multivitamin in daily packs,” said Kelly Ripa, award-winning host and executive producer of LIVE with Kelly and Ryan. “It’s reassuring to connect with Persona’s nutritionists whenever I have a question or want to try a new combination of vitamins – they really take the guesswork out of my vitamin routine.”

The company’s proprietary algorithm used for the assessment is based on scientific research reviewed by a team of doctors and nutritionists, factoring in your lifestyle, individual needs and current prescription medications to provide doctor-formulated vitamin and supplement recommendations that are as unique as you are.

“Especially for those with specific health concerns, whether stress and sleep problems, energy levels or immunity concerns, a multivitamin alone is not going to supply sufficient or targeted nutrition,” said Courtney Jackson, MPH, CN, director of nutrition research at Persona Nutrition. “We feature daily nutrition coaching from on-staff nutritionists, a robust database to scan for potential drug-nutrient side effects — and we complement our high-quality multivitamin with specific nutritional supplements that are aimed at supporting each person’s health issues and diets.”


Top health concerns

Jackson points out the company’s approaches to address three of the primary health concerns of Americans right now.

  • Your immune system. Health-conscious consumers today are looking for ways to support their immunity. “It’s important to remember that the immune system is just that — a system,” says Jackson. “Your multivitamin should be paired with good lifestyle habits and complemented by immune-supporting supplements like quercetin, garlic or even additional vitamin D, when needed.”
  • Fatigue. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to fatigue. If you are already regularly taking a multivitamin, you might consider having bloodwork done at your next wellness visit to look for other issues. If you have done so and still experience low energy levels, it may be a good time to compliment your multivitamin with natural nutrients, including fermented ginseng or adaptogenic cordyceps.
  • Sleep problems. During challenging times, getting enough sleep is even more important than ever. While vitamins and minerals can play a role in your ability to fall asleep and sleep soundly, taking a multivitamin alone likely isn’t doing the trick. Consider supplementing your vitamin with sleep-inducing ingredients such as L-Theanine, hops extract and melatonin to support sleep quality and reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.


It’s time to swap your one-size-fits-all multivitamin for a more scientific, personalized approach to your nutrition, so you can give your body what it truly needs, not what your neighbor needs.


Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take our free assessment.


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