
Health Benefits of Astaxanthin

Protecting our health is a priority for us right now, and many of us are finding ways to boost our immune system and to stay healthy. Some of us have been adding high-antioxidant foods and supplements to our diet, and if you haven’t already added astaxanthin to your routine, there is a list of reasons why you should start!

What is it? Astaxanthin (pronounced asta-zan-thin) is a naturally occurring deep, red-colored carotenoid with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that support our health in numerous ways. You may be familiar with carotenoids as providing fruits and vegetables their bright shades of red, orange, and yellow; astaxanthin is found primarily in microalgae (Haematococcus pluvialis), but also in salmon, shrimp, lobster, crab and other organisms, and is responsible for their red tones.



Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is able to integrate itself into every cell, tissue and organ in the body, therefore is found to provide greater antioxidant protection compared to other carotenoids.  Its antioxidant activity also has the capacity to be 6000 times more effective than that of vitamin C, more than 800 times of CoQ10, and 550 times that of vitamin E at neutralizing free radicals.


Immune Health

Like other carotenoids, astaxanthin helps strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. It can be converted into vitamin A, which plays a significant role in promoting the appropriate function of our immune response, and with its high antioxidant properties, it truly stands out within the list of immune-boosting antioxidants.


Eye and Brain Health

Since it is a fat-soluble antioxidant, it can help support in keeping our eyes and central nervous system healthy. It has the ability to cross through the blood-retinal and blood-brain barrier to help reduce the risk of inflammatory-related damage that can lead to conditions such as eye fatigue, cataracts, macular degeneration, dementia or neurological disorders.

Heart Health

There is growing research with the potential of astaxanthin and heart health; the high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help prevent oxidation of fats and protein in the body and may help protect arterial wall health as well.


Physical Activity

For the athletes and fitness gurus, astaxanthin may provide benefits for improved physical activity. Research suggests it helps support with the recovery of muscles by fighting free radicals and reducing muscle soreness, while enhancing endurance, strength and energy levels.


Skin Health

This amazing antioxidant also helps support skin health as well. Astaxanthin helps reduce damage caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and helps protect and support healthy skin cell function by improving skin moisture levels and elasticity while reducing wrinkles and spots.

Overall, astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant with reasons to include in your diet. This healthful antioxidant though cannot be produced by the body naturally though, so to gain all of its glorious benefits, we need to add some wild salmon and shrimp to the diet regularly or obtain it through a supplement!


  1. Naguib YM. Antioxidant activities of astaxanthin and related carotenoids. J Agric Food Chem. 2000 Apr;48(4):1150-4. doi: 10.1021/jf991106k. PMID: 10775364.
  2. Davinelli S, Nielsen ME, Scapagnini G. Astaxanthin in Skin Health, Repair, and Disease: A Comprehensive Review. Nutrients. 2018;10(4):522. Published 2018 Apr 22. doi:10.3390/nu10040522
  3. Fassett RG, Coombes JS. Astaxanthin in cardiovascular health and disease. Molecules. 2012 Feb 20;17(2):2030-48. doi: 10.3390/molecules17022030. PMID: 22349894; PMCID: PMC6268807.
  4. Giannaccare G, Pellegrini M, Senni C, Bernabei F, Scorcia V, Cicero AFG. Clinical Applications of Astaxanthin in the Treatment of Ocular Diseases: Emerging Insights. Mar Drugs. 2020;18(5):239. Published 2020 May 1. doi:10.3390/md18050239
  5. Liu X, Osawa T. Astaxanthin protects neuronal cells against oxidative damage and is a potent candidate for brain food. Forum Nutr. 2009;61:129-135. doi: 10.1159/000212745. Epub 2009 Apr 7. PMID: 19367117.
  6. Zhang ZW, Xu XC, Liu T, Yuan S. Mitochondrion-Permeable Antioxidants to Treat ROS-Burst-Mediated Acute Diseases. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016;2016:6859523. doi:10.1155/2016/6859523

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11 Self-Care Tips Every Parent Needs For 2021

By: Daphne Oz, author, cohost of FOX’s MasterChef Junior and The Dish on Oz airing Wednesdays on The Dr. Oz Show, Mom Brain podcaster and nutrition ambassador for Persona Nutrition


Let’s cut right to the chase: this year has been nuts. As we all adjust to life in the wake of a pandemic and so much that is unknown, one thing has stood firm to me: we have to look for bright spots of self-reliance where we can find it. Taking good care of ourselves and our loved ones consistently is key to giving ourselves the best possible defenses and the most resilient mind, bodies and spirit to take on each new day. Here are my top 10 + 1 (because we all deserve a bonus) self-care tips that should be on every parent’s radar heading into 2021.


Let kids guide the way.

We take care of our kids all the time, but they actually love having a chance to take care of you! Let them think of a fun way to help you — it could be as simple as a foot rub, fixing you some tea or a little light meal if they’re old enough to handle that safely! It makes them feel so good to be kind and thoughtful in ways that are manageable (yay for raising good humans!) — and it’s an added bonus of wonderful time together for you both. It’s also a great way to start to get your kids familiar with self-care for themselves. Their lives can be stressful sometimes too, and it’s never too early to start reinforcing the ways they will find resilience and happiness long term.


No more all or nothing.

Start with something! We steal our own joy and psych ourselves out of doing good things for ourselves all the time by telling ourselves we have to work out for the hour or it’s not worth it. Splurging on a cookie “ruins” a whole day of healthy eating. The home organization project we are desperate for keeps getting put off because we only have time for one room (or one closet) at a time. Everything major starts somewhere small. Don’t be afraid to take the first step that leads to the first ten steps that leads to the future of health, balance and positivity we all crave.


Vegetables for breakfast!

It’s a thing. I love doing scrambles with tons of sautéed veggies that I crack an egg or two into and scramble together for a deliciously filling, savory breakfast. Especially in colder months, make way for a warm bowl of deliciously fragrant soups, sautéed veggies, even leftover braises earlier in the day and set yourself up for healthy eating success with stable blood sugar (slow release carbs, protein and healthy fats!) rather than the usual breakfast carb overload.


Replace old bad habits with something that feels good.

As humans, we’re typically fans of old habits and the status quo — even if it isn’t really working for us (witness: my disorganized bedroom, grocery shopping while hungry, etc). Try to embrace the fact that whatever is comfortable about old habits that don’t serve us are easier to overcome when we fill the void with something that feels good! That positive emotional association will make it easier to stick with a new habit through the adjustment period, so try some radical shifts towards a habit that serves you.

An example: I was really sick of my overflowing inbox. Opening and reading emails, then marking them unread to come back to later, then beating myself up and feeling exhausted every time I open my inbox and see it crammed full of things I thought I had addressed is the vicious cycle I fell into over and over. A never ending to do list that anyone with my email can constantly add to and that I turned into chaos! So I adopted (at my husband John’s — master of efficiency — suggestion) two new habits and one radical shift:


  • Habit #1: I only open my email when I have a dedicated amount of time to read and respond to emails, 15-30 minutes seems to be the magic number for me to get through a bunch uninterrupted and feel maximally productive.
  • Habit #2, no more reading and marking mail as unread to return to. Instead, I mark items that need follow up as “flagged” and move on to filter through other quick replies if that’s all I have physical or emotional time for at that moment. My flagged inbox is much easier to return to when I have more time to devote to a thoughtful response without having to filter through new and old requests mixed together.
  • And my radical shift? I had some emails languish in my inbox for…months. Like, many months. And if I haven’t replied to them in that long and there isn’t a follow up, I decided to cut my losses and start fresh. I marked them all as read and moved on with my life with an empty and newly populating inbox that I actually have a strategy for tackling now. Believe me, it was horribly nerve-wracking the first couple weeks because I felt so guilty for never replying. But the great feeling of knowing I was responding to the important new items in a timely way and the healthy brain space of not feeling like I was behind the eight ball every time I checked my email has felt so good, that I know there’s no going back!


Schedule 5 minutes to yourself every couple hours.

Call them your sanity breaks. Don’t use the time to go online or scroll social media. Just sit and check in with yourself, or take a walk around the block, or run the stairs, or do squats, or take your vitamins (I love Persona’s personalized vitamin packs that I simply tear from the pack and take when I have my 5 minutes of me time). It’s important to get clarity on where you are in your day. How you feel after certain interactions, activities or behaviors so you can figure out what you would ideally have more (or less of) in your day.


Get familiar with your slow cooker.

We’ve all been eating at home more than ever before. And with all the demands on our time, everyone loves a fast meal that comes together effortlessly. But there is something extra luxurious about the way flavors blend and food turns rich (even while keeping it light!) when it has cooked for a long time. The best part is, you can add all the ingredients — chicken and spices, beef and vegetables, beans and tomatoes for vegetarian chili — before you head to work (or your home office), and dinner is ready to go when you step into your kitchen!


Go to bed early.

Ugh, this is my least favorite on the list because I am such a night owl. But my eating, my energy, my general outlook is always so much better when I get to sleep before 10pm. It sets your body’s natural rhythms up for success and means you’re not running on fumes all day — which is usually the fastest way to send us running for more caffeine, more sugar, more stimulus of every kind that we just don’t need to look, feel or function our best.


Extra loving.

If there’s one thing 2020 has taught us, it’s tremendous gratitude for the people in our lives whom we love — and who love us. We crave that connection and constancy, and especially when so much around us feels turbulent and trying. Connect physically whenever you can! There’s a reason babies thrive from being skin to skin. Being together soothes us on so many levels. It might still be challenging to be together in person, but take time to call or Zoom, write letters, reach out. And give a little love to yourself, too! A smile in the mirror, some positive self-affirmations in the shower or in the car…little (easy, manageable) but consistency is the key.


Get it delivered!

The social distancing that has ensued the past eight months has opened my eyes to the surprise, delight and convenience of delivery! There are so many wonderful companies who have shifted their business models – large big box brands and numerous local retail owners – to offer delivery or curbside pickup. So, give it a try to make life a little simpler. It can be for your groceries, home office and school supplies, a new cozy loungewear set, kids activity boxes and even your daily vitamin packs (Persona is delivered to your door every 28 days so it’s one less thing to worry about!).


Move your body and spend at least 15 minutes sweating every day.

Sweating is how we detox, release tension and get stronger — mentally, emotionally, and yes physically. It doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym. It could be running stairs, or walking to check off your errands, or 15 minutes of sun salutations, or jump rope and pushups in your bedroom. My days always feel more productive when I start them with a commitment to taking this time for my body and mind.


Say YES to homemade.

I never, ever feel satisfied by store-bought candy or dessert — it’s always gone too fast, too saccharin, too “almost-good-but-not-quite-there”. Homemade dessert, on the other hand, has variety! It’s layered, its customized, and most of all, it’s real! Whether its classic chocolate chip cookies, a sweet-tart plum tart, seven layer cake, ice cream, millionaire’s short bread, banana bread (SO. MUCH. BANANA BREAD!), or just glorious pure and salty dark chocolate drizzled over berries, homemade dessert and baked goods are worth the work, and the work means you won’t indulge more often than it counts. Treat yourself with foods so good they’re worth the wait and fuel your resolve to take good care of your body the rest of the time.


I hope at least a few of these easy self-care tips ring true for you. They’ve made a big difference in my family’s life, and I hope they will help you navigate every day with a little more energy, ease and positivity as you set your sights on the New Year. Remember to start small and start today — and stay well!


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Aging With Positivity

5 tips for feeling your best as you get older


Back in college, my anatomy teacher once told my class, “Growing old ain’t for sissies.” At the time it seemed like a joke, but now, as I enter my 40’s, I’m starting to see the truth behind it. Getting older isn’t easy. Time seems to speed up; your body seems to slow down; you get aches and pains where you never used to. In the face of so many changes, it can sometimes be hard to stay positive.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way. When it comes to your happiness, age isn’t in charge; you are. Take control of aging, change, and your happiness. In today’s post, I’ve put together some tips to help you make that happen: five simple steps for getting older—with positivity.


1) Look for joy

In your day-to-day life, joy may not always find you, but if you’re prepared to break with the ordinary—and actively seek joy out—you can find joy every day. How do you do this? It’s about being mindful. As you look ahead to your week,  set aside time to experience new things and to connect with others: Plan events with friends and family; volunteer to help your community; and keep an open mind. Good things can happen at any moment. By seeking joy, you’ll not only feel better; you’ll improve your long-term mental health.


2) Smile more

Laugh lines are a badge of honor. That’s not just opinion; it’s science. Studies have shown that laughing, smiling—even making joyful noises—can trick your brain into being happier[i]. So don’t be afraid to shine on the outside. Laugh at life; chuckle at your mistakes; smile at a stranger (I promise you they’ll smile back!). It won’t just make others feel good; it’ll make you feel good too.


3) Find your passion

As children, we actively seek out the things we love, the things that compel us, that spark joy. As we grow into adults, we redirect this impulse into building our lives, pursuing jobs, relationships and other activities that give us meaning. As we get older, it’s important not to lose sight of that. Having a purpose—pursuing the things that we’re passionate about—is a big source of positivity.

If you don’t have that thing in your life right now, take action to find it: take on a new hobby; rekindle an old one; learn something new; join a group of like-minded people; take on a project you’re passionate about. You’ll find it lifts you up, and helps you live life to its fullest.


4) Keep your mind active

It’s no secret that physical exercise is key to long-term wellness, but it’s just as important to work your mind—especially as you age. Set aside time every day to flex the muscle that is your brain: Read a book; try a new game; learn a new skill; talk with friends or even take an inward journey. Keep your mind moving to stay upbeat.


5) Get a daily serving of music

A good jam is more than entertainment; it’s a proven support for mental health. When you listen to music, your neurons fire and your body releases serotonin, a hormone that stimulates happiness[ii]. When you need a mood boost, try putting on a tune. Sing along, get up and dance with yourself or with others. Over the longer term, you could even try learning an instrument. You’ll find your outlook improving.



[i] Neuhoff CC, Schaefer C. Effects of laughing, smiling, and howling on mood. Psychol Rep. 2002;91(3 Pt 2):1079-80.

[ii] Adler, S. E. A. (2020, June 30). Music Can Be a Great Mood Booster. AARP.


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How Age Impacts the Immune System

While it is true that age is nothing but a number and brings gifts like wisdom, there are certain changes to the immune system that still occur. To better understand these changes, it helps to first understand the basics of how immunity works.


What Is Immunity?

Immunity is our body’s defense against foreign organisms (pathogens), infections, and diseases. The immune system is an intricate organization of proteins, cells, tissues, and organs working together and in balance. Immunity can be broadly divided into innate and adaptive immunity.


Innate immunity is the body’s first line of defense against germs entering the body. Innate immunity is also called the “non-specific immune system” because it responds the same way every time to pathogens. The innate immune system works very quickly and is critical during the first 96 hours of exposure to a pathogen. Persons are born with innate immunity, which include physical barriers like the skin, stomach acid, mucus membranes, fever, and non-specific immune cells.


Adaptive immunity, also known as acquired immunity, is involved in fighting pathogens that the body recognizes. There are 2 types of adaptive immunity: passive immunity and active immunity. With passive immunity, antibodies are given to a person. Protection against a disease is immediate but short-lasting.


With active immunity, the immune system is first triggered. After invasion by a pathogen, immune cells called B- and T-lymphocytes (B- and T-cells) become active. It can take 96 hours or longer for these immune cells to respond. What is key about active immunity is that has memory because antibodies and special memory B- and T-cells are formed. Antibodies made during active immunity are long-lasting, sometimes lifelong. If a person becomes re-exposed the same pathogen, the active immune system recognizes it and can respond more quickly. Another way to acquire active immunity is through a vaccine, which mimics a disease, causing our immune system to respond and make antibodies.


Key points

  • There are 2 broad types of immunity: innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is the body’s first defense against disease. Persons are born with innate immunity and non-specific defenses are involved. Adaptive immunity is specific to a pathogen.
  • Passive immunity is a type of adaptive immunity where antibodies are directly given to a person. Protection is immediate but does not last long.
  • Active immunity is another type of active immunity and involves the production of antibodies by our own immune system. It takes longer to develop but protection lasts years and even for life.


How Does Age Affect Immunity?

The gradual breakdown of the immune system due to age is called immune senescence or immunosenescence. The exact mechanisms of immunosenescence are still being studied but researchers know both the innate and adaptive immune systems are affected. Reduced B- and T-cells numbers and diminished functions of tissues and organs involved in immune defense may all play a role in immunosenescence.

As a result of changes in the immune system, older individuals do not respond as well to new or previously encountered pathogens. This may increase their risk of inflammation, infection, and cancer. Additionally, older adults have reduced responses to vaccines. This is why persons over 65 years receive a high-dose flu vaccine. Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent vaccine contains a dose four-times as much as Fluzone Quadrivalent.

Studies show that the mortality rate of older patients with acute viral and bacterial infections is three times higher when compared to younger adult patients. Increased viral risk, decreased immune response, and lack of a specific treatment are reasons the aged population has been hit so hard by the coronavirus.

There is currently no known approach that will reverse immunosenescence. However, research continues into understanding the mechanism and rejuvenating cell health. And there are healthy habits that older adults can follow to help keep the body’s defenses strong!


Key points

  • Immune senescence, or immunosenescence, is the gradual breakdown of the immune system due to natural aging
  • The exact reasons why immune senescence occurs are not known but decreased function of immune organs and lower numbers of immune cells may be involved
  • Despite immunosenescence being irreversible, a healthy lifestyle can help keep older adults feeling well and strong



  1. McHugh D and Gil Senescence and aging: Causes, consequences, and therapeutic avenues. J Cell Biol. 2018 Jan 2; 217(1): 65–77.
  2. Montecino-Rodriguez E,  Berent-Maoz B, and Dorshkind Causes, consequences, and reversal of immune system aging. J Clin Invest. 2013 Mar 1; 123(3): 958–965.
  3. Daniela Weiskopf D, Weinberger B, Grubeck‐Loebenstein B. The aging of the immune system. Transplant International. 2009 Oct 1; 22(11): 1041-1050
  4. Simon AK, Hollander GA, McMichael Evolution of the immune system in humans from infancy to old age. Proc Biol Sci. 2015 Dec 22; 282(1821): 20143085.
  5. Lord JM. The effect of aging of the immune system on vaccination responses. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2013 Jun 1; 9(6): 1364–1367.

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Aging Like Fine Wine

A compliment I never thought I would appreciate is “You are aging like fine wine”. When we are young, the last thing we think about is how we will live our years in the decades to come! Thanks to advancements in science and technology we are living longer than ever before. How can we care for ourselves so that these long-lived years are lived to the fullest?


Healthy aging doesn’t need to be complicated, here are 3 tips on how you can achieve optimal health at any point of your life span.

Focus on a healthy eating pattern

A healthy eating pattern is recommended to achieve healthy aging (1). Healthy foods contain many nutrients that regulate proper body processes. Eating a variety of foods that include fruits and vegetables will help minimize nutrient gaps and provide many antioxidants that help fight free radicals that contribute to the aging process (2). Consuming adequate protein and fluids is also important to maintain muscle mass, skin integrity, and avoid dehydration (3). A healthy eating pattern does not mean following a strict diet but rather having a healthy relationship with food and having a balanced plate (protein, grains, vegetables, fruits) at each meal.


Increase your physical activity

Physical activity is important in improving many aspects of our health like our cardiovascular system, physical function, cognitive function, and metabolic activity (4). Although those aspects of aging are impacted and physical activity won’t stop the process, exercise can lessen the effects and promote healthy aging. It is recommended to do at least 150 min a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity like walking, jogging, dancing, sports, biking, gardening, or any activity of your choice! Remember to be hydrated before, during, and after your activity sessions, and remember to always have fun!


Manage your stress

Stress, especially chronic stress can play a big role in accelerating the aging process due to its negative effects on many metabolic processes and hormone regulation (5). Managing your stress can be achieved by focusing on a healthy diet, increasing physical activity, finding time to relax and meditate, getting enough rest and sleep, and spending time with your loved ones! Finding ways to alleviate stress will also help your immune system which is crucial as we age.

Following these three tips is a great way to achieve optimal health. Remember it is never too late to make these changes to lie a long and healthy life!


  1. Burke GL – J Am Geriatr Soc (2001) Factors associated with healthy aging the cardiovascular health study.pdf
  2. Fusco D, Colloca G, Lo monaco MR, Cesari M. Effects of antioxidant supplementation on the aging process. Clin Interv Aging. 2007;2(3):377-87
  3. Deutz NE, Bauer JM, Barazzoni R, et al. Protein intake and exercise for optimal muscle function with aging: recommendations from the ESPEN Expert Group. Clin Nutr. 2014;33(6):929-36.
  4. Rebelo-marques A, De sousa lages A, Andrade R, et al. Aging Hallmarks: The Benefits of Physical Exercise. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018;9:258.
  5. Hasan KM, Rahman MS, Arif KM, Sobhani ME. Psychological stress and aging: role of glucocorticoids (GCs). Age (Dordr). 2012;34(6):1421-33.

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A Personal Journey With Autoimmune Disease

The human immune system is a myriad of organs (and organisms) that protect us from harmful bacteria, fungi, toxins, and viruses found in the environment. Some of the organs that comprise it include the lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, the spleen, and gut bacteria – think of it as a college football program working to get to the playoffs at the end of the season. Your spleen is the quarterback, your lymph system is the Athletic Director, your gut bacteria are the defensive line, and so on. The season is life as you know it, and the playoffs symbolize making it through this holiday flu season (or Coronavirus pandemic) unscathed. To accomplish this, the quarterback must play well, the Athletic Director must invest in the program and the defensive line must hit the weight room; you get the picture. Our immunity from the outside world is a product of several complex biological mechanisms working in unison for pageantry on Saturdays (every day). As we grow through our lives and are exposed to internal and external stress, our immune system is put to the test. In some people, about 23 million Americans, their immune system malfunctions under this stress and attacks the tissues of the body causing disease. When this confusion occurs, it is called autoimmune disease.


Autoimmune diseases manifest as Type 1 diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Chron’s disease, Celiac, Alopecia Areata, and more. Companies stack millions of dollars each year marketing remedies that may result in little improvement or yield side effects. But what if there was hope for the damage caused by these inflammatory diseases?


For example, a 2018 study I read from Augusta University, published in The Journal of Immunology, outlined how baking soda acts within the body to support inflammation that can result from autoimmune diseases. The study shows that drinking baking soda mixed in water could potentially promote a healthy immune response by the spleen and encourages cells that reduce inflammation throughout the body. Researchers explained how it’s not exactly a mechanism of flipping a switch on or off but instead influencing the body to shift from a pro-inflammatory state to an anti-inflammatory one. This conversion of proinflammatory cells to anti-inflammatory cells might prevent the body from attacking its own tissues. Imagine your quarterback who is having a mid-season slump and giving him a potion that ignites his peak performance to finish the season with fervor. Reaching the playoffs now doesn’t seem as farfetched. This is what happened to me.


In 2015, I was enjoying some quiet months after graduating from college, which was a stressful endeavor for me, and I noticed a circular spot of hair missing on my beard. I didn’t think much of it at the time. After all, I was enjoying the downtime, feeling healthier than ever, and looking forward to starting my career in laboratory science. In the coming weeks, I noticed another spot missing from my beard. Once I started noticing spots on my arms, legs, and scalp, panic ensued. I began to reach out to my friends in the medical field and was quickly informed that I had Alopecia Areata and there was nothing to be done about it. Well, I could take steroids and other drugs that would work for a short time to grow my hair back, but the list of side effects was two miles long and I had no guarantees they would even work. At one point in 2017, I had almost no hair on my body, no eyebrows, no eyelashes, and only a small ribbon of hair that wrapped around the back of my scalp.


Needless to say: I. Felt. Sick.

I mean, I was fine as far as my vital signs and typical physiological functions are concerned, but I just felt sick. What was I to do? My drug choices could only be taken for a brief period and there was a chance they might not do the trick. I had reached a new low and was legitimately concerned for my long-term health.


Then I remembered that someone once told me, “nothing can give you everlasting happiness because you already have it.”


I thought to myself, “What if this were true for nutrition and healing the body?”


I was convinced that humans are healing machines and I became determined to find solutions. If I were to heal, I had to become my own biggest cheerleader. I reflected on my lifestyle and what things needed change. After all, I spent several years studying under the author of Physiological Ecology and the take-home message from all that time was, “you are what you eat.” In the early days of my impassioned investigation, I figured that my wires got crossed somewhere between poor diet and the sleepless nights of cramming for exams (or the celebrations thereafter), and naturally, my immune system just gave way to the stress. I had persuaded myself that I could promote healing with sound nutrition and good dieting practices.


Hm, what would that even mean?

I spent the last 4 years studying about the human body but had no idea where to begin fixing my own.


After several years of trying a variety of diets and scouring the internet for information, I found a practice that began to work for me. Hungry to keep pressing forward, I came across the article about baking soda and autoimmune disease. I thought to myself, “It’s $2…why not try it?” I tried everything else it seemed, so I decided to give it a shot. Now, keep in mind that in the interim from when I was diagnosed with Alopecia to when I found the baking soda, I had made several lifestyle changes to reduce chronic inflammation in my life. I was getting 8 hours of sleep regularly, I incorporated a mindfulness practice, I stopped drinking alcohol, I ate a strictly plant-based diet (fish sometimes), and was even Intermittent Fasting 6 days a week. I started taking baking soda in June of 2018 and behold, by August, my hair began growing back!


It was remarkable, my hair was growing back all over my body and down the middle of my head (but not the sides). I embraced the hair growth on my scalp by sculpting a pretty sweet fauxhawk and honoring it by digging out a few of my old Blink 182 CDs; it was truly a fun time of healing. The hair on the sides of my scalp eventually filled in and my eyebrows regrew slightly. I couldn’t have been happier. Disclaimer: it is the nature of Alopecia Areata for hair to regrow as spontaneously as it departed, but I’m convinced that my lifestyle changes were the key.


I became comfortable with my hair regrowth and eventually phased out taking the baking soda altogether. I was still strict on my diet and spiritual practices, but the baking soda was a thing of the past. When I started a new job and the Coronavirus pandemic hit, I found myself experiencing the same stress that I felt when I was finishing up my degree. As sure as the day is long, the dreaded spots reappeared on my scalp. I quickly remembered the reprieve I experienced from the baking soda last time and began to incorporate it into my diet again. After about 2 months, my hair stopped falling out and began to regrow in spots. As for life now, instead of waiting until it’s 4th & Inches and the game is on the line, I just incorporate a small amount of baking soda with water into my daily practice and enjoy life with my autoimmune symptoms greatly reduced.



This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.


  1. Fuhrman, J., & Sparrow, N. (2011). Super immunity. HarperCollins.
  2. Karasov, W. H., & del Rio, C. M. (2007). Physiological ecology: how animals process energy, nutrients, and toxins. Princeton University Press.
  3. O’Connor, P., 2018. Oral NaHCO3 Activates a Splenic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway: Evidence That Cholinergic Signals Are Transmitted via Mesothelial Cells. The Journal of Immunology, 200(10), pp.3568-3586.
  4. Sonnenburg, J., & Sonnenburg, E. (2016). The good gut: Taking control of your weight, your mood, and your long-term health. Penguin Books.

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Preparing the Family’s Immunity for a New School Year

The back to school season has started and before we sharpen pencils or sit in front of our virtual class, families everywhere are paying extra attention to their household’s health. Like any year, the first few weeks of school offer a stew of germs, but this year’s pandemic changes the way we think about our offensive and defensive health. So, here’s what you need to know to aid in your family’s immune health.


Fun Fact: The Real Season for Immunity

We are accustomed to thinking there are distinct seasons for things. There’s Back to School season when kids across the globe head back to school for in-person instruction (how things have changed!). There’s the season of new starts and resolutions that are marked by the beginning of January. And, there’s cold and flu season that is triggered by cooler weather, the end of the 12-month calendar and everything people can do to boost their immunity. Many people don’t realize their bodies are equipped with a unique immune system that needs to be optimized all. year. long!


A well-functioning immune system recognizes a foreign substance such as a virus, how it multiplies and works hard to eliminate the things that don’t belong. A weakened immune system may fail to recognize an intruder or fall short in eliminating it.


Immunity and Nutrition

The strength of your immune system depends, in part, on what you eat – all year long. A diet that contains optimal amounts of the protective nutrients, such as vitamin C, iron, and zinc, helps maintain a strong immune system. If you do become sick, the symptoms are typically less severe and you should recover quicker than someone whose immune system is weakened by inadequate nutritional supplies (1).


Colorful fruits and vegetables are sources of the antioxidants, including beta carotene, vitamin E, selenium and vitamin C.  The antioxidants work together to optimize the immune response and to help fend off infection, colds, and flu bugs (2). Ample intake of beta carotene-rich foods, such as carrots, apricots, and broccoli, also maintains the skin (don’t forget, skin is the body’s largest organ!) and mucous linings in the nose and lungs, which are the body’s first line of defense against germs. Most people don’t get enough of these foods and would do well to double or even triple current intake to at least 8, and preferably 10, servings daily. Simple ways to add more in your diet:


  • For a treat, top low-fat ice cream with a cup of thawed blueberries.
  • As a snack, dunk baby carrots in peanut butter or red pepper slices in hummus.


The minerals, including iron, selenium, copper, and zinc, also are involved in immunity. And don’t forget garlic! Compounds in garlic inhibit the growth of germs and might stimulate the immune system (3, 4) Although no optimal dose has been identified, including two or more cloves in the daily diet might turn on your immune system without turning off your comrades.


Studies have found that a low-fat diet stimulates the immune system, while typical American diets high in saturated fat might increase a person’s susceptibility to infection and disease (5). So, cut back on fat by limiting fatty cuts of meat, switch to low-fat dairy products, and use healthy, better-for-you fats, such as olive oil, in moderation.


Finally, certain healthy bacteria in some yogurts and kefir, including Lactobacillus and Bifidum, reduce the number of colds a person gets in a season, as well as the severity and duration (6). Skip the fancy high-sugar yogurts and choose plain, nonfat yogurt or kefir with active cultures.


Put this plan into practice with these simple solutions:

  • For breakfast, serve oatmeal cooked in low-fat milk and topped with berries along with a glass of orange juice.
  • For lunch, try a black bean burrito with baby spinach and salsa, bottled water, and fresh kiwi dunked in yogurt flavored with shredded orange peel, poppy seeds and cinnamon.
  • For dinner, choose grilled salmon, then heap the plate with steamed vegetables, a spinach salad, and/or baked sweet potatoes.


Diet doesn’t work alone. You and your family need to:

  1. Get quality sleep: Inadequate sleep is linked to a compromised immune system. It also increases levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Most kids need at least 9 to 11 hours a night, while adults need 7 to 9 hours.
  2. Turn to personalized nutrition: Fill in nutritional gaps on the days when your family doesn’t eat perfectly with personalized vitamin and mineral supplements that are made just for your body and lifestyle.
  3. Exercise regularly: Moderate daily exercise boosts immune cell function. Get the kids to unplug and head outside for a 30-minute bike ride or brisk walk in between virtual learning sessions.
  4. Lather up: Encourage everyone in the family to wash their hands frequently throughout the day.
  5. Laugh with friends: Socializing is important for mental health, and laughter as part of that social scene boosts immunity, lowers stress, and is important for everyone’s sanity!


These are small steps to take throughout the year, not just as back-to-school season sets in. Your immune system will thank you!


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Misconceptions about Seasonal Flu and Flu Vaccines. Accessed September 8, 2020.
  2. Amir Aslani B, Ghobadi S. Studies on oxidants and antioxidants with a brief glance at their relevance to the immune system. Life Sci. 2016;146:163-173. doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2016.01.014
  3. Ried K. Garlic Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Individuals, Regulates Serum Cholesterol, and Stimulates Immunity: An Updated Meta-analysis and Review. J Nutr. 2016;146(2):389S-396S.
  4. Statovci D, Aguilera M, MacSharry J, Melgar S. The Impact of Western Diet and Nutrients on the Microbiota and Immune Response at Mucosal Interfaces. Front Immunol. 2017;8:838. Published 2017 Jul 28.
  5. Cândido FG, Valente FX, Grześkowiak ŁM, Moreira APB, Rocha DMUP, Alfenas RCG. Impact of dietary fat on gut microbiota and low-grade systemic inflammation: mechanisms and clinical implications on obesity. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2018;69(2):125-143.
  6. Yan F, Polk DB. Probiotics and immune health. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2011;27(6):496-501.

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Healthy Ways to Press Pause on the Aging Process

We all know one thing about aging: it’s inevitable. However, some seem to be doing it much better than others; what are their secrets?

Today, the population of older adults in the United States is growing rapidly. According to the United States Census Bureau population projections, the number of Americans ages 65 and older is projected to nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060, and the 65-and-older age group’s share of the total population will rise from 16 percent to 23 percent.1

Aging is a natural process. Our energy gets lower, our muscles get weaker, our eyesight is strained, our memory isn’t what it used to be, we are less flexible and more exhausted. The good news is that we can slow down the aging process by controlling many of the physical effects of the aging process. By practicing healthy aging, we may also be able to prevent some health problems.


Ways to Practice Healthy Aging


Healthy Eating and Drinking

As you age, your dietary needs may change. Your body may need fewer calories, but you still need to get enough nutrients. A healthy balanced diet helps in aging gracefully. A healthy eating plan includes:

  • Eating foods that are full of nutrients without a lot of extra calories. This includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, nuts, and seeds. Listed below are a few nutrient-dense foods with associated health benefits:
    1. Berries – loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
    2. Fish – (salmon/sardines) contains Omega-3’s that provide for a healthy heart
    3. Yogurt – provides calcium to maintain healthy bone density and probiotics that help regulate digestion
    4. Tomatoes – contain lycopene, a natural antioxidant
    5. Nuts – a great source of Omega-3’s, fiber, protein, and unsaturated fats
  • Avoiding processed and packaged foods, unhealthy fats, and empty calories, such as foods like chips, candy, baked goods, soft drinks, and alcohol
  • Eating foods that are low in cholesterol and fat
  • Staying hydrated by drinking enough liquids


It is important to note that supplements are a great way to get adequate amounts of nutrients we can’t get with diet alone. Persona Nutrition can help you find supplements to help support healthy aging. A quick assessment can provide you with personalized vitamin and supplement recommendations based on your health and lifestyle needs.


Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important at every age. If we stay active in our daily activities and with our daily exercise, we need to rest. Sleep is the time when our muscles, organs, and brain repair themselves. It is helpful to wake and sleep on schedule every day. By having a regular schedule and bedtime routine, your internal body clock can stay in sync, so you get the sleep you need. If you are having trouble falling asleep, practice these tips:

  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark
  • Power down the electronics
  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol in the evening
  • Don’t nap longer than 20 minutes during the day


Engage Your Brain

Studies have shown that learning new things can help slow cognitive decline. Continue to challenge your mind as you age by reading, learning new things, and switching up your routine.

Watch extra weight around your mid-section

I think we can all be honest here and address the obvious: we probably won’t get any better looking as we age. If our looks were going to forever stay the same, we wouldn’t need wrinkle creams or hair loss prescriptions. With natural aging our metabolism will also slowdown, which can make it easier to gain weight. I always have to chuckle at myself when my grandmother informs me that she is going “on a diet” for a few weeks to lose some weight around her belly. I roll my eyes and tell her to stop obsessing over a few pounds and focus on eating healthy, but her diligent attention to detail of her dietary habits have kept her in great health. Studies show that overweight or not, having an excess of abdominal fat is associated with an increased risk of dying from heart disease or other causes than those who do not have central fat.2Keep an eye on the type of fat you consume in your diet; avoid trans fats and keep saturated fat intake to less than 7 percent of your diet.3Focus on whole foods and avoid packaged snacks and desserts, and limit the amount of fatty meat in your diet.


Stay Socially Connected with Your Family, Community or Group of Friends

Meaningful relationships and a strong social network can improve mental and physical well-being. An active social life keeps you young! Studies have proven that many physical benefits are directly linked to active social lives. Bryan James, an epidemiologist at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago, has studied some of these effects. In one study, over 1,100 seniors without dementia were followed over a 12-year period. The study found that cognitive decline was 70 percent less in those who had frequent social encounters than those who did not, a significant difference. “When you use your brain and body the way it was intended—as it evolved—you age better,” says James. “We just aren’t meant to be disengaged from one another.”4It is important to stay socially connected to prevent loneliness. Staying socially connected can be as simple as

  • Enjoying dinner with family and friends and sharing highlights from your day
  • Volunteering in your community – a great way to meet new friends
  • Don’t forget about our furry friends! Pets have been linked to lower stress and blood pressure, reduced loneliness, and better moods experienced by their caretakers


The possibilities are endless. Aging is inevitable, so make the most of it!


Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker, quitting is one of the most important things that you can do for your health. It can lower your risk of several different types of cancer, certain lung diseases, and heart disease.


Be Physically Active: Move More, Sit Less Throughout the Day

Being active can help you prevent, delay, and manage chronic diseases; improve balance and stamina; reduce the risk of falls; and improve brain health. The key to staying active as you age is finding exercises you enjoy. Try to incorporate exercises that improve cardiovascular health, balance, and muscular strength. Aim for moderate physical activity 30 minutes every day. If that is too much, break it up into shorter periods. Plan a strengthening activity (yes, carrying groceries counts) at least two days a week. Make sure you participate in activities and hobbies that you enjoy.


Maintain Regular Health Screenings

Schedule regular doctor’s visits and health screenings and make sure you are vaccinated each cold and flu season.


We can’t stop the aging clock, but we can control how we age and improve how we feel. Following these tips can help you stay healthy as you age. Improvements made in your 30s, 40s, and 50s can lead to a stronger and healthier YOU in your 60s, 70s, and 80s. It’s never too late to start taking care of your health, surrounding yourself with people you love, and doing things that bring you joy.



  1. Mather M, Scommegna P, Kilduff L. Fact Sheet: Aging in the United States. Population Reference Bureau. Published July 15, 2019. Accessed August 31, 2020.
  2. Belly fat boosts risk of dying of heart disease.Harvard Health Publishing. Published January 2016. Accessed August 31, 2018.
  3. The Skinny on Visceral Fat. John Hopkins Medicine. Accessed August 31, 2018.
  4. How Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy. Berkeley University of California. Accessed August 31, 2018.
  5. 6 Tips for Healthy Aging. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Published September 20, 2019. Accessed August 31, 2020.
  1. Santos-Longhurst A. 13 Tips for Aging Gracefully with Exercise, Diet, and Wellness. Healthline. Published June 18, 2019. Accessed August 31. 2020.
  2. Healthy Aging. MedlinePlus. Published May 5, 2020. Accessed August 31, 2020.

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Birth Control Pills and Supplement Use

As a woman’s priorities, goals, and personal situations evolve throughout her life, so will her perspective on her sexual and reproductive health. For most women, this will include decisions on the use of contraception. Hormone combination oral contraceptives, or birth control pills, have been a very popular choice among women looking to prevent pregnancy ever since their introduction in the 1960s. Most recent statistics indicate that 80% of women have used “the pill” to prevent pregnancy at some point in their life.1


How do birth control pills work?

Healthcare providers use birth control pills are used to treat a variety of conditions from acne to endometriosis, however their primary design is to prevent pregnancy. While there is a variety of options on the market, the traditional birth control pill consists of a combination with two synthetic hormones that copy natural female hormones, estrogen and progestin. Raising hormone levels disrupts a woman’s natural cycle and prevents pregnancy by:

  • Stopping the release of an egg from one of the ovaries for fertilization2,3
  • Thickening mucous at the cervix to prevent sperm from entering the womb 2,3
  • Thinning the lining of the womb making it unfavorable for pregnancy 2,3


Should I avoid taking supplements with my birth control?

There are some supplements that may change the way your body processes the hormones present in your birth control pills. Since your body depends on these hormones reaching a certain level to be effective at preventing pregnancy, anything that might reduce hormone levels could potentially change effectiveness. For example, St. John’s Wort, a supplement commonly used for mood, may speed up the breakdown of estrogen by the liver.4 On the other hand, a supplement that may slow down the breakdown of estrogen could make hormone levels higher than expected increasing the likelihood a woman may experience side effects with her medication.5


Feeling imbalanced?

Some women feel the need to try and balance their natural hormone production while taking birth control pills. However, this feeling of hormone imbalance is more likely due to side effects of your medication. Side effects are most common at the beginning of a new hormone regimen and usually disappear once your body adjusts to therapy. Lingering side effects of birth control pills are usually due to an inappropriate dose of hormone. Below are some examples of side effects that could occur due to too much or too little estrogen or progestin in your birth control. 2,3


Side effects of progestins 2,3

Too much progestin Too little progestin
Increased appetite, weight gain, fatigue, changes in mood Breakthrough bleeding (late in your cycle)



Side effects of estrogens 2,3

Too much estrogen Too little estrogen
Nausea, bloating,  breast tenderness, headache Breakthrough bleeding (early in your cycle)



It is estimated that almost 65% of women who stop their birth control do so because of unwanted side effects.1 If you are continuing to experience bothersome side effects after a few months of therapy, then you should talk to your healthcare provider. It may be necessary to adjust the dose of your medication or change to a different hormone combination. Consider keeping a diary of your symptoms in order to help your healthcare provider determine which changes best suit your individual needs.


Which supplements should I take with my birth control?

While it is not necessary to take supplements to balance your hormones while using birth control pills, it may be a good idea to supplement some vitamins and nutrients if your diet is lacking. Current evidence shows that women using birth control pills long term may have lower levels of several B vitamins (especially folate), magnesium, and zinc.6,7 Generally most women can avoid these deficiencies with a well-balanced diet. However, if your diet doesn’t consist of vitamin and mineral rich fruits and vegetables, you may benefit from the addition of a good multivitamin.8 Persona’s online personal assessment is a great tool to determine if you are meeting all your nutritional needs. By answering questions regarding your lifestyle, diet, and listing your medications, like birth control, you receive personalized recommendations tailored to you.


This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.


  1. National Center for Health Statistics. 2015–2017 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG): Key Statistics. Hyattsville, MD. Available from: Accessed August 31, 2020.
  2. Hatcher RA, Trussell J, Nelson AL, et al. Contraceptive Technology: 20thRevised Edition. New York, NY: Ardent Media, Inc., 2011
  3. Wright, K.P., Johnson, J.V. (2008). Evaluation of extended and continuous use oral contraceptives. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management; 4(5): 905-911.
  4. Zhang N, Shon J, Kim MJ, et al. Role of CYP3A in Oral Contraceptives Clearance. Clin Transl Sci. 2018;11(3):251–260.
  5. van Duursen MBM. Modulation of estrogen synthesis and metabolism by phytoestrogens in vitroand the implications for women’s health. Toxicol Res (Camb). 2017;6(6):772-794.
  6. Mohn ES, Kern HJ, Saltzman E, Mitmesser SH, McKay DL. Evidence of Drug-Nutrient Interactions with Chronic Use of Commonly Prescribed Medications: An Update. Pharmaceutics. 2018;10(1):36. Published 2018 Mar 20.
  7. Palmery M, Saraceno A, Vaiarelli A, Carlomagno G. Oral contraceptives and changes in nutritional requirements. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013;17(13):1804-1813.
  8. Mooij PN, Thomas CM, Doesburg WH, Eskes TK. Multivitamin supplementation in oral contraceptive users. Contraception 1991;44:277-88.

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Top Three Misconceptions About Weight Loss

The rise of diet culture and social media has created the perfect storm of confusing and often misinformed nutrition advice. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck in your own health journey. I’m here to help you sort through the madness. I wrapped up the most common weight loss misconceptions that I encounter as a nutritionist and looked at what the science says about each of them.


Misconception #1:  A low carb diet will help you burn fat and lose weight

The Theory

A lot of fads are based on actual science that has become over-generalized or exaggerated. Low carb diets are no exception. Carbohydrates trigger an increase in insulin. Insulin cues your body to store fat. In theory, swapping higher carb foods for lower carb ones and keeping your calories the same would reduce fat store cues, increase calories burned, and result in weight loss. However, clinical trials comparing different low carb diets have found that weight loss is more dependent on total calorie intake than avoiding any one food group (1). One study found that very lower carbohydrate diets may be more favorable than high carb diets when it comes to weight maintenance (2).

Should you try it?

There’s no need to go low carb if it doesn’t fit your lifestyle or make you feel good. The biggest driver of weight loss appears to be a calorie deficit—taking in fewer calories than you burn—low-carb diets probably aren’t your most effective strategy. In fact, very low-carb diets like keto or Atkins may even hurt your health. Diets around 50-55% carbohydrate seem to be a safe option.


Misconception #2: You should be intermittent fasting

The Theory

There are a lot of ways to go about intermittent fasting, but in general, it includes a small window of time in which you can eat whatever you like (usually 8 hours) followed by a period of fasting (usually 16 hours). There is a lot of emerging research on this topic, most looking at the overweight and obese populations who have used alternate-day fasting. This means the participants cut their calories down to 25% below their break-even point for a day, then returned to their regular diet the next. Many studies found that IF is effective for weight loss but the results weren’t as clear when compared with other calorie-restricted diets (3). Overall, it seems the benefits came more from the overall drop in calories than the schedule itself. In other words: It’s about how many calories you take in, not when you eat them.

Should you try it?

There’s more to be learned on this topic, but for now, it’s not clear how intermittent fasting compares to other ways of cutting calories. If you’ve set a weight-loss goal, your best option is probably to eat a healthy, lower-calorie diet on a schedule that works for you.


Misconception #3: You need to buy “health” foods to lose weight

The Theory

I have counseled a lot of people who tell me that eating healthy is too expensive and rightly so. The supermarket can be an overwhelming place. The reality is you don’t need pricey products to achieve your health and weight-loss goals. Conventional produce—ordinary, everyday fruits and vegetables—can get you there just as well. In fact, some foods labeled “healthy”, notably gluten-free products, can be higher in calories than their regular counterparts.

Should I try it?

There are a lot of reasons to buy organic produce, but weight loss isn’t’ one of them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the grocery store, try and shop in the order that you would construct a meal. I like to start with some produce and fresh herbs, select a grain like brown rice or pasta, a lean protein, and then think about the sauces and seasonings.


The take-away

Remember, there are loads of ways to support your health goals and weight loss may or may not need to be a part of that. Diets seem to work in the short term- but in the long run, most people end up gaining weight back or gaining even more weight than when they started their diet. A balanced nutrient-dense diet is still the best nutrition advice out there.  The single most important factor for following through with your health goal? Adherence. The best diet is the one you can stick to. Who knows, you can even pair it with the french press exercise on a daily basis.


(1) Ebbeling Cara B, Feldman Henry A, Klein Gloria L, Wong Julia M W, Bielak Lisa, Stelz Sarah K et al. Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: randomized trial BMJ 2018; 363-583

(2) Freire, R. Scientific evidence of diets for weight loss: Different macronutrient composition, intermittent fasting, and popular diets. Nutrition 2020; (69) 110549. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2019.07.001

(3) Megan A McCrory, Ayla C. Shaw, Joy A. Lee. Energy and Nutrient Timing for weight control: Does Timing of Ingestion Matter? Endocrinol. Metab. Clin. N. Am. 2016;(45) 689–718.

(4) Stephanie Welton, Robert Minty, Teresa O’Driscoll, Hannah Willms, Denise Poirier, Sharen Madden and Len Kelly. Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss. Canadian Family Physician February 2020; (2) 117-125.


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