Supplements for Joint Pain

Supplements for Joint Pain

Whether you are a boomer recovering from a knee replacement, exercise enthused millennial, or sufferer from chronic aches and pains, no one is immune to joint pain. The dreaded dull ache, stiffness, and or burning sensation is less than ideal for anyone. What can you do to help combat and overcome joint pain? Aside from making sure your body has ample time to properly rest and recover, supplementation may help. While we should always strive to consume our daily nutrients in whole food forms, sometimes we just need a little something extra. This is where supplementation is beneficial; supplements may help to provide you with an added nutrient boost to address a specific concern.


The Best Supplement

Let’s face it, the number of supplements available now is almost as confusing as picking out a brand of granola bars. The options are limitless and overwhelming. Everyone is unique and may have a different form of joint pain therefore there is truly no “best supplement”. Luckily, there are a variety of different supplements that may meet the specific joint concern you are seeking to address.



Wobenzym® is a form of systemic enzyme therapy that helps to support and maintain healthy joint function. Wobenzym® may aid in the temporary relief of aches and pains and may help with muscle soreness and muscle recovery. Wobenzym® may be as effective as pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory agents in reducing pain and improving function in individuals with osteoarthritis.1


UC-II ® is a patented blend of type II collagen derived from the sternum of chicken cartilage. Type II collagen may help to promote joint health and flexibility. UC-II ® may be beneficial for individuals with a milder form of arthritic conditions.


Bosweilla is a native plant of India. It is tapped for its gummy substance which contains essential oils, gum, and terpenoids. The terpenoids contain bosweillic acids which may help to support a healthy inflammatory response. In addition to helping with joint health and tissue repair, Bosweilla may also help with respiratory health.


MSM is created in a cycle between plankton, ozone, and sunlight. It is also naturally present in vegetables, fruits, and grains. MSM may improve flexibility and reduce pain and swelling in the joints by helping the body maintain a healthy inflammatory response. MSM may be beneficial for individuals who experience joint and muscle soreness as a result of strenuous physical activity.


Take home message

There is truly no best supplement, as there is no one size fits all approach to wellness. We are all unique and have different needs. What works for you, might not work for someone else. Before beginning any new supplement regimen, it is important to determine the specific concern you are seeking to address or benefit from you. Feeling overwhelmed with the options? You can get started with our personalized assessment to get recommended supplements designed specifically for you.


  1. Bolten WW, Glade MJ, Raum S, Ritz BW. The Safety and Efficacy of an Enzyme Combination in Managing Knee Osteoarthritis Pain in Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Arthritis. 2015;2015:1-7. doi:10.1155/2015/251521.

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