In this day and age, we are constantly bombarded with health related imagery and marketing which focuses on instant gratification. From “perfect” health to “overnight” weight-loss to “instant” wrinkle-free skin, we are surrounded with messaging that simply cannot hold true or increase health in a sustainable way. Think about this, have you ever set a long term goal and expected to reach that goal overnight? Surely not! You understood and still do understand that any new “optimal health” lifestyle practice, health behavior or goal requires time. Time, knowledge and the necessary tools.
When planning or considering a health-related goal, Instead of grasping at gimmicks or purchasing things you do not need, start with these questions: If I could have optimal health, how could I safely attain it? If I could have optimal health, how could I sustain it? If I could have optimal health, what are the best “tools” I could use to both attain and sustain it?
And the best tools are….. Exercise, Eating Right & Taking your Vitamin and Mineral Supplements!
Exercise, we all need exercise for physical health and for mental health. Eating right, something we all should do but often have problems actually doing and that is exactly why we all need the last tool, vitamin and mineral supplements. By taking vitamin and mineral supplements, we have the power to give our bodies what are diets lack and what our stressors take away. Not only are vitamin and mineral supplements integral to great health, they are also integral to sustained health and achieving optimal health. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements are not a “quick fix” or something to be used from time to time. They are the tool in your health and wellness belt that you use every day and that, over time, truly nourish and replenish your body’s stores of all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for optimal and sustained health.
Here is exactly what you need: Time, take the time to really chart out what you want in terms of your health goals and be patient with yourself. Knowledge, gain all the knowledge you can by discussing your health goals with your physician and by doing science based research. Tools, utilize the three tools discussed and start moving your body (exercise!), thinking about what you are putting in your body (practice a sound diet!) and start taking your personalized vitamin and mineral supplements that are nothing more and nothing less than what your body needs!