Summer Coconut Curry

Curry is great anytime of the year, even in Summer. Curry spice is a powerful digestive aid, containing a mix of different spices including coriander, turmeric, cumin, and peppers as a base (amongst others). Spicy food can fire Read more...

Effects and Benefits of Boswellia

Benefits and Effects of Boswellia Could a daily dose of Boswellia help you? If you’re wondering what Boswellia is, you’ve come to the right place. Boswellia is an extract, also known as Indian frankincense. It comes from a tree Read more...

Salmon with Strawberry & Basil

Packed with brain-boosting Omega-3 fatty acids, this super-simple Summer recipe is a great way to support healthy aging. Pair this dish with a light and low-tannin red wine for an extra antioxidant punch that will have you feeling Read more...

Making the Best of Aging

As my body raced full-speed into the “golden years”, or the “rust years” as I like to call them, I started thinking about how I could maintain my health as I aged. As a physician I had seen the effects of aging first hand Read more...

The Post-Pregnancy Diet

Whether you breastfeed or not, the secret to post-pregnancy nutrition is to gradually lose weight while maintaining or restocking nutrient stores. All nutrition experts agree that the best place for a new mother to get all the essential Read more...

A Guide to Fats and Omega-3s

Have you heard all about the great health benefits of fish oil, but still aren’t exactly sure what an omega-3 fatty acid is? Or what a fat is in general? Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential nutrients. An essential nutrient Read more...

The Cost of Good Health

There is an unfortunate scenario I run into all too often at my pharmacy counter. A patient comes in—newly discharged from the hospital following a heart attack or leaves their doctor’s office with a diagnosis of type 2 Read more...

How to Increase Tear Production

As we age our body changes and makes us very aware of the passing of time. But have faith there might be a solution for one common affliction to many, dry eyes. We stare at computer screens all day in our jobs and it take a stole Read more...

On-The-Go Breakfast Cookie

Any time is a good time for a cookie. What better way to start your day? Whether you’re heading off to work in the morning and just don’t have time to make breakfast, planning a hike and packing snacks for the trail, or need Read more...

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