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Stop aging in its tracks! This naturally occurring dynamic antioxidant found in grape skin can help prevent premature cell aging and may even help you live longer.*

  • Promotes heart health*
  • Supports healthy aging*
  • Antioxidant powerhouse*

Is our Resveratrol right for you?

Protect & defend*

You want powerful antioxidant support to protect your cells*

Power your heart*

You take good care of your heart due to age, lifestyle, or genetics*

Live better & longer*

You want to live longer while still feeling like your best self*

Allergen information

Made without Major Allergens
Made without Major Allergens

*All supplements are packaged in a facility that processes products containing wheat, soy,
lactose, corn, egg, fish, shellfish, treenuts, peanuts and gluten. Cross contamination may occur.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size 1 Vegetarian Capsule

  • Amount
    Per Serving
    % Daily
  • Resveratrol (as trans-resveratrol) 200 mg

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (capsule), vegetable stearate and silica

resVida® is a trademark of DSM.

Why it works

Why it works

Why it works

Environmental factors, like pollution or UV rays, and lifestyle choices, like smoking or eating processed foods, increase the oxidative stress to your cells, accelerating aging. Antioxidants, like resveratrol, can help protect cells from oxidative damage and may play an important role maintaining cardiovascular health and supporting mitochondrial function, the energy powerhouse within our cells.* Making antioxidants the mainstay in healthy aging nutrients.

What the research says

What the research says

What the research says

Studies show that resveratrol may be supportive in the natural aging process.* By activating enzymes called sirtuins, resveratrol may help to prevent free radical damage to healthy cells and support several biological pathways known to be involved in the aging process.* These protective benefits may help you in the fight against age-related diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.*

While good for your health, resveratrol is difficult for your body to absorb. Our formulation contains a highly pure, trademarked, and more bioavailable form of trans-resveratrol to help your body make the most of these antioxidant effects.*

Resveratrol Resveratrol

How to take it

How to take it

How to take it

Take with food and plenty of water

When to take it

When to take it

When to take it

  • Morning: Take with or after breakfast
    Evening: Take with a later afternoon snack or dinner
    Bedtime: Take about one hour before bedtime

Supplement Facts

Serving Size 1 Vegetarian Capsule

  • Amount
    Per Serving
    % Daily
  • Resveratrol (as trans-resveratrol) 200 mg

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (capsule), vegetable stearate and silica

resVida® is a trademark of DSM.

Is this supplement
right for you?

Take the assessment or schedule a consultation with a
nutritionist to find out.

Take assessment now
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